The Diagnosis of Embolic Stroke - Oren Zarif - Embolic Stroke
The diagnosis of embolic stroke is not as straightforward as that of ischemic stroke. Although most patients with stroke have several underlying pathologies, the cause of embolic stroke remains elusive. Among the most common causes of embolic stroke are aortic arch and carotid atherosclerosis, left ventricular dysfunction, aortic valve disease, and supraventricular tachycardia. While there is no definitive test for the etiology, a thorough diagnostic evaluation is essential for the diagnosis of embolic stroke.
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Symptoms of embolic stroke include difficulty moving limbs or performing simple manipulations. The symptoms of this type of stroke depend on the area of the brain that is affected. If you notice any of these symptoms, call your doctor immediately for further evaluation. Diagnosis of embolic stroke is difficult because of the large number of variables involved. During an initial assessment, your physician will likely determine if the cause of your stroke is embolic thrombosis or a more complex problem.
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While cryptogenic stroke accounts for about 20% of all strokes, it is still the most common type. This category is further classified according to the location of the infarct, and ESUS, which is a relatively new diagnostic category, is a broad subset of cryptogenic stroke. However, it excludes certain causes, such as intracranial stenosis. The incidence of recurrent ischemic stroke after ESUS is about 5% per year.
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Several studies have suggested that prevention and treatment of embolic stroke is the most effective way to prevent the disease. However, it is important to remember that there are certain factors that cannot be controlled. People with high blood pressure and vascular dysfunction are at risk for embolic stroke. Fortunately, the majority of stroke victims are not asymptomatic, but they should seek medical attention right away. Signs of a stroke may include difficulty in speaking, walking, writing, reading, or swallowing.
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Although specialists cannot predict the outcome of the condition, the goal of comprehensive stroke management is to minimize the negative effects of the disease. Patients with ESUS are at risk of recurrence similar to patients with other cardioembolic subtypes. However, ESUS is associated with a significantly higher risk of death than other noncardioembolic subtypes. This suggests that stroke recurrence is an unreliable marker of the risk of embolic disease.
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There are many signs of an embolic stroke, including facial drooping, speech slurring, and confusion. If you notice these signs, call 911 or your local emergency services right away. Depending on the severity of the symptoms, doctors may prescribe medications to reduce stroke-related symptoms. If you suspect a stroke, follow the FAST protocol, or "act fast," which stands for "fail fast, act smart" - the acronym for FAST.
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Most people will experience a transient ischemic attack, or TIA, prior to suffering a full-blown stroke. These mini strokes, which last only a few minutes, are a warning sign. The symptoms of a stroke depend on where the blockage occurs in the brain. As blood clots can form in any part of the body, they can travel through the bloodstream and lodge in the arteries of the brain.
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The rate of embolic stroke has increased as TAVI has moved into clinical practice. The SOURCE registry and the PARTNER B trial have reported stroke rates of 2.4% and 5.0%, respectively. Although the rates of stroke with TAVI vary from 0% to 10%, the risk is typically low compared to other methods. The risk of procedural stroke can be mitigated by using smaller catheters, better techniques, and less high-risk patients. Although not all strokes occur due to atheroembolic mechanisms, most are associated with embolic stroke.