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The Cincinnati Stroke Scale - Oren Zarif - Cincinnati Stroke Scale

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

The Cincinnati stroke scale is a standardized stroke assessment used to predict the likelihood of a stroke. It comprises three variables: facial drooping, dysarthria, and upper extremity weakness. It was approved by the Guilan University of Medical Sciences and researchers used the Declaration of Helsinki when developing the scale. This article will explore the Cincinnati stroke scale's accuracy and reliability. You'll find out how to interpret its results, as well as how to apply it in your own care.

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The first step in assessing a stroke patient is to perform the Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale. Its goal is to help healthcare providers recognize stroke symptoms before they reach the hospital. This test involves asking the patient to smile and check for facial droop and arm drift. A patient with one side of the face that droops or doesn't move will score one point. Another sign of a stroke is slurred speech.

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The Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale is another tool that can be used by doctors to help identify symptoms of a stroke. The Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale measures three major physical findings in a patient: facial droop, dysarthria, and upper extremity weakness. These measures are also helpful in predicting the probability of a stroke. This scale can also be used to assess facial mimicry in patients.

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Although this tool can help in identifying patients with a stroke, it can be limited in its use. The CPSS is based on documentation from EMS report forms and paramedic narratives. CPSS is considered evidence of a CVA if it is present in the patient's case. Evidence of a CVA is determined by the presence of facial droop, speech deficit, arm drift, and grip strength. Other evidence that supports a diagnosis of stroke is the presence of visual abnormalities, numbness or tingling.

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The CPSS is recommended for EMS personnel to use for the diagnosis of patients with suspected stroke. Although data on CPSS's performance are limited, the CPSS's reproducibility was evaluated through a recent study. The study included paramedics in an interactive educational presentation that incorporated the CPSS. It evaluated the impact of CPSS training on the paramedics' ability to identify stroke patients, on-scene time, and on-scene diagnosis.

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The accuracy of the CPSS was assessed by using 95% confidence intervals and summary receiver operating characteristic curves. It was also evaluated for multicollinearity. Each cut-off value was evaluated for sensitivity and specificity. Positive and negative predictive values were calculated for each cut-off value. Lastly, 95% confidence intervals were provided for each cut-off value. This means that CPSS can accurately predict stroke in approximately 65% of cases.

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The CPSS is similar to the FAST test and looks for the same neurological symptoms. The first two questions of the FAST test look for facial drooping and arm drift, while the final question examines the ability to speak clearly. A patient with these symptoms is considered to have suffered a stroke and should seek emergency medical care as soon as possible. The Cincinnati stroke scale can be used to confirm a diagnosis of a stroke.

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The onset of symptoms of a stroke can be sudden, but it is usually limited to one side of the body. Some symptoms may include confusion, difficulty walking, loss of vision in one or both eyes, and a severe headache without an identifiable cause. A patient may also experience difficulty with speech, coordination, or balance, or become disoriented or confused. It's important to recognize the early signs of stroke so that treatment can begin quickly.

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Using the Cincinnati stroke scale has three criteria. If a patient meets any of the criteria, the probability of an ischemic stroke is 72%. If the patient meets all three criteria, there's an 85% chance of an ischemic stroke. The scale does not provide information about the severity of symptoms, but the Cincinnati stroke scale is useful for diagnosis and treatment of patients suspected of a stroke. You can watch a video of the Cincinnati prehospital stroke scale by clicking here. To learn more about the Glasgow Coma Scale, you can attend our Cincinnati PALS class and a Cincinnati Stroke Scale certification course.

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The Cincinnati prehospital stroke scale is widely used and implemented by EMS clinicians. Its sensitivity are high. Positive predictive value is important for a rapid diagnosis of an acute stroke in the ED. This prehospital stroke screening tool improves the quality of care for patients in the ED. And because the Cincinnati stroke scale has good predictive power, it has a good chance of helping patients survive a stroke.

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