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The Cincinnati Stroke Scale - Oren Zarif - Cincinnati Stroke Scale

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

The Cincinnati stroke scale is used to diagnose a person who has suffered a stroke. The CPSS is a multi-parameter assessment of a patient's neurological status and severity of stroke symptoms. It measures signs and symptoms, including blood glucose levels and facial drooping. Other symptoms include speech deficit and numbness or tingling. This scale is based on the final diagnosis for stroke in a hospital's stroke registry.

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The sensitivity and specificity of the Cincinnati stroke scale were compared among patients with acute neurologic symptoms. Patients with dysarthria, ataxia, and facial numbness were included in the study. Other factors that are important in determining the final diagnosis included a brain computed tomography and a neurologist's view. Statistical analysis was used to determine the kappa coefficient and the sensitivity of the Cincinnati scale.

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The CPSS is used by first responders to determine if a patient is suffering from a stroke. A patient's facial movement is measured by asking them to smile. If both sides move equally, the patient is considered normal. Otherwise, a patient's facial movement may be abnormal or suggest a stroke. This scale does not determine the type of stroke, but it can help clinicians make a diagnosis faster.

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The CPSS should be integrated into emergency medical systems. It should be associated with a shorter door-to-needle and imaging time. In addition to the CPSS, the Glasgow Coma Scale should be used in the case of suspected stroke. The American Heart Association (AHA) has created a video to highlight the importance of recognizing stroke symptoms. The video can be viewed here, as well as free PALS classes.

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Despite its limited use, the CPSS has been recommended for use by emergency medical services in identifying stroke patients. However, there are still few studies on CPSS's performance. One study evaluated the impact of CPSS training on paramedics' ability to identify stroke patients and to assess the patient's symptoms and the length of time spent on the scene. The data were analyzed with data from the hospital's prospective stroke registry and CPSS.

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In a retrospective analysis of nearly 2,000 patients with acute ischemic stroke, the CPSS performed on the Cincinnati prehospital stroke scale accurately identified large vessel occlusion. The researchers also found that the CPSS improved the ability to identify patients with LVO and thereby improve care. This study is a great step forward in the field of acute ischemic stroke diagnosis. Therefore, if you suspect a stroke, use the CPSS to identify patients at risk for LVO.

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The Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale is a three-item assessment of the severity of symptoms. It is commonly used by EMS, and is easy to learn. It has moderate sensitivity for detecting patients who have symptoms of stroke but are not yet at risk for a stroke. However, the C-STAT does not assess severity of symptoms. The CPSS is a valuable tool for emergency healthcare professionals.

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The CPSS should be integrated into emergency medical systems. It should be associated with a shorter door-to-needle and imaging time. In addition to the CPSS, the Glasgow Coma Scale should be used in the case of suspected stroke. The American Heart Association (AHA) has created a video to highlight the importance of recognizing stroke symptoms. The video can be viewed here, as well as free PALS classes.

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Despite its limited use, the CPSS has been recommended for use by emergency medical services in identifying stroke patients. However, there are still few studies on CPSS's performance. One study evaluated the impact of CPSS training on paramedics' ability to identify stroke patients and to assess the patient's symptoms and the length of time spent on the scene. The data were analyzed with data from the hospital's prospective stroke registry and CPSS.

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