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The Cincinnati Stroke Scale - Oren Zarif - Cincinnati Stroke Scale

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

The Cincinnati stroke scale is a multidimensional score that helps doctors predict the probability of having a stroke in patients with acute neurologic symptoms. This scale is based on three criteria: facial droop, dysarthria, and upper extremity weakness. The accuracy of the scale was studied using SPSS version 20 to determine its sensitivity and specificity. It also included the kappa coefficient to measure its predictive value.

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The first step in assessing a patient's potential stroke is to determine if the person has facial droop. The patient should be able to smile without drooping. If one side of the face moves more than the other, this is indicative of a stroke. In addition, the patient's arm should be able to stay still. If one arm drifts over the other, this could indicate a stroke.

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CPSS training has been recommended for EMS personnel to use in recognizing patients who may have suffered a stroke or TIA. However, limited studies have evaluated the effectiveness of the Cincinnati stroke scale in identifying stroke patients. A recent study looked at the impact of training paramedics on the scale on their identification of stroke patients and the length of time they spent on scene. It was also used to assess the reproducibility of the CPSS among paramedics. The study included a cohort of 102 patients who had experienced a stroke or TIA, comparing their records to data from a prospective stroke registry at a hospital.

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EMS report forms and paramedic narratives were also reviewed for documentation of CPSS. Facial droop, speech deficit, arm drift, grip strength, visual abnormalities, and numbness or tingling were considered as signs of CPSS. The results of these narratives were then compared to the final diagnosis in a hospital's stroke registry. This research also found that CPSS is a valid tool for evaluating the neurological status of stroke patients.

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As more EMS clinicians perform the Cincinnati stroke scale in the field, it is becoming increasingly more important to accurately assess symptom severity. Rapid medical evaluation is critical for the appropriate use of thrombolytic therapy. CPSS 2 has been shown to be as effective as the more complex LVO stroke scale, and may be worth implementing in EMS practice. And it is more cost-effective than training clinicians to perform new stroke scales.

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Using a prehospital stroke scale is a valuable tool for diagnosing large vessel occlusion and other types of acute ischemic stroke. Its accuracy has been tested in multiple studies, including a systematic review of the literature in JNS. The authors found that the Cincinnati stroke scale improved the prediction of large vessel occlusion in acute ischemic stroke patients. The study also highlighted the importance of considering other factors when making a diagnosis.

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The CPSS has a high sensitivity for recognizing stroke patients. However, sensitivity is based on whether a patient displays facial droop, arm weakness, abnormal speech, and abnormal posture. Its accuracy is based on a study that analyzed nearly 1,000 patients. Its sensitivity was 69%, while specificity was 73%, which is not statistically significant. However, sensitivity and specificity are not statistically significant when compared with other stroke scales.

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Another important part of a thorough assessment of a patient's stroke is speech. A sentence that has been used to explain the CPSS is "You can't teach an old dog new tricks." If the patient is unable to speak or repeat the sentence correctly, then the patient has a high likelihood of having a stroke. If a patient has abnormal speech, it should be noted immediately. The CPSS is also useful for assessing the patient's facial mimicry, language skills, and speech.

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The accuracy of the CPSS was evaluated by calculating the sensitivity and specificity for the two subscales of the scale. In addition, we hypothesized some sources of heterogeneity that may be related to the type of stroke and the setting in which the study was conducted. Lastly, we evaluated the overall predictive power and sensitivity of the CPSS for detecting stroke by using the Cochrane RevMan 5.3 software.

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The sensitivity of the Cincinnati prehospital stroke scale is 85% for patients with 1 or more of the three criteria. However, a patient with one of these three criteria has a 72% chance of having an ischemic stroke. However, this metric doesn't provide much information about the severity of symptoms. For example, the NIH stroke scale was converted to a binomial scale for improved clinical accuracy. With this new tool, physicians can quickly identify patients with anterior circulation stroke.

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