Thalidomide Left-Right Lateralization in Thalamic Stroke - Oren Zarif - Thalamic Stroke
The posterior cerebral artery, basilar artery, and posterior communicating arteries supply the thalamus. A thalamic stroke can cause abnormal involuntary movements, large vessel disease, and lacunes of the small arteries. The posterior communicating artery supplies the lateral thalamus, which contains the ventroanterior nucleus, somatosensory nuclei, and motor projections. These arteries are often occluded by blood clots.
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The thalamus is a diencephalic structure that represents the complex gateway to the cerebral cortex. It receives information from major afferent pathways, modifies it, and relays it to the other areas of the brain. Although thalamic strokes are rare, they can produce different neurological deficits, depending on which thalamic structure is affected. Common symptoms include speech and cognition disturbance, memory impairment, and cognitive deficits. Neuroimaging findings can reveal ischemic areas in the appropriate thalamic nuclei.
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Because thalamic infarction disrupts important fibres and connections within the thalamus, patients may experience acute movement disorders. They may also experience delayed movements, due to the cerebral plasticity. In early involvement, a thalamic infarct may result in a decreased level of consciousness, and may last for hours or days. Involuntary movements may also result. This type of stroke can mimic many different neurological conditions, including cerebrovascular disease.
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Rehabilitation after a thalamic stroke focuses on recovering as quickly as possible and reducing the risk of another attack. Physical, occupational, and speech therapy are common ways to recover after the stroke. Although the outlook for recovery after a thalamic stroke is not a certainty, many people make a full recovery. They also seek rehabilitation to prevent future strokes. It is essential to remember that rehabilitation does not take place overnight.
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A subset of thalamic stroke patients may be missed in prehospital settings, because they have less recognizable symptoms. The prehospital setting may fail to identify these patients, which means they are not receiving the right stroke treatment in time. To find potentially missed patients, we conducted a study to determine the patterns of left-right lateralization in isolated thalamic stroke. This research may help physicians make an informed decision about which patients should be treated with a thalamic infarct.
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One study examined patients with left polar thalamic infarction, which presented with persistent verbal memory deficits. In addition to these symptoms, the patients displayed symptoms of superimposition, a state where information from different areas of the brain is simultaneously expressed. For instance, a left paramedian infarction can lead to language deficits and cognitive impairments, while a right thalamic lesion may cause visual-spatial and sensory loss, and hemispatial neglect.
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While the majority of people suffering from a thalamic stroke present with multiple symptoms, the clinical diagnosis is not always clear. Although symptoms of the left hemispheric infarct are easily recognized by patients and their next of kin, thalamic lesions may be missed in the early stages. However, clinical tests, including mental screening tests, should be used to identify a thalamic infarct.
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Infarcts of the posterior cerebral artery in the thalamus represent a more common cause of bilateral paramedian thalamic infarction. Acute occlusion of the artery of Percheron can lead to bilateral medial thalamic infarctions. It also causes a similar presentation to the top of basilar syndrome. As a result, these strokes are typically accompanied by altered consciousness, vertical gaze paresis, and cognitive disturbance.
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Posterolateral thalamic lesions can cause sensory loss and ataxic hemiparesis. Another symptom is a painful amputation of the hand or wrist. The symptoms of a thalamic stroke vary depending on the location of the inferolateral artery, but are common after the event. So what is the cause of post-thalamic movement disorders? A lack of information may be to blame.
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In a thalamic infarction, the ventrolateral artery - a branch of the posterior cerebral artery - supplies the posterior hemisphere, the dorsomedian nucleus, and the ventral medullary lamina. The ventroposterolateral artery, in turn, supplies the dorsomedial nucleus and the posterior choroidal artery.
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The thalamus is involved in many different functions in the body. In general, a thalamic stroke affects the outer cortex and deeper layers of the brain. Once the blood supply is cut off, brain cells begin to die. To save a person's life, blood flow must be restored to the thalamus quickly. Fortunately, there is treatment available to help people cope with this traumatic brain injury.
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Recollection and familiarity are critical functions of the thalamus and its lesions. Damage to these areas can impair these functions, so these lesions in these brain regions may not result in the onset of Alzheimer's disease. This is the reason why some stroke patients exhibit a poor recollection or a lack of familiarity. The authors of the study also note that patients who suffer from a thalamic stroke have less familiarity than patients with lesions in the left hemisphere.