Symptoms of Wallenberg Syndrome - Oren Zarif - Wallenberg Syndrome
Symptoms of Wallenberg syndrome include dizziness and vertigo, difficulty swallowing, hoarseness of the voice, and loss of balance. These symptoms generally develop over several hours or days. It's crucial to consult a doctor as soon as possible to help determine whether you're experiencing symptoms of Wallenberg syndrome. Once you've been diagnosed, your doctor will determine the best treatment. A person with this disorder can live with life-long symptoms for the rest of his or her life.
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Symptoms of Wallenberg syndrome may include uvula deviation and hypotonia of the ipsilateral arm. To demonstrate the hypotonia, have the patient raise and lower both hands simultaneously. The symptomatic arm will overshoot the braking action compared to the other. Some cases may require a feeding tube. For patients with this syndrome, doctors can prescribe medications to control their symptoms and prevent further damage. The patient will also undergo a neurological examination.
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While there is no single cause of Wallenberg syndrome, lateral medullary syndrome is often a sign of a stroke in the hemispheric gyrus. Typically, it's caused by thrombosis of the VA or PICA, but emboli can also originate from the heart or other structures. In most cases, patients recover from this condition, but dysphagia is a troublesome symptom and can affect oral feeding. However, it's important to note that patients with this syndrome will often return to normal oral feeding in 1 to 2 months.
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Patients with this syndrome often have underlying conditions, such as vascular disease, or other neurological problems. For example, a 30-year-old woman with a right-handed hand presented with severe headache, vomiting, and vertigo. A neurologic examination revealed lingual dysarthria, horizontal nystagmus, right dysmetria, and weakness of the extremities. The patient was diagnosed with Wallenberg syndrome and subsequently treated in a rehabilitation facility.
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Symptoms of Wallenberg syndrome may include difficulties swallowing, balance problems, and dizziness. The most common treatment for the disorder is speech therapy and medication. Although symptoms may improve over a few weeks, the condition can cause long-term neurological problems. The best treatment for the symptoms of Wallenberg syndrome is early diagnosis and proper management. MRI scans of the brain can be normal in up to 30% of cases. A diagnosis of Wallenberg syndrome can save your life.
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Patients with Wallenberg syndrome have abnormal saccadic and gaze-holding behavior. The horizontal saccades are hypometric (away from the lesion) and hypermetric (toward the lesion). The quick phase of nystagmus is also affected. The lateral medullary lesion typically results in ipsipulsion and contrapulsion of saccades. The lateral medullary lesions result in a loss of vestibular function.
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Lateral medullary and posterior inferior cerebellar artery syndrome are two common conditions of Wallenberg syndrome. An occlusion of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) causes an infarct in the lateral medullary region. This is the most common cause of posterior ischemic stroke. Symptoms of Wallenberg syndrome typically present in elderly patients. While treatment of this condition can help to alleviate the symptoms of this disorder, it's imperative to follow up with a reputable doctor.
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Symptoms of Wallenberg syndrome include delayed swallowing reflex, laryngeal elevation, and electrophysiological findings. The main goal of treatment is to help the patient live with the disorder. Treatment varies, depending on the particular deficits, and may include speech therapy. If speech therapy is not enough, neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) may be helpful. VitalStim is a specialized form of NMES and has been cleared by the US Food and Drug Administration for treating pharyngeal dysphagia. It is administered by speech and language pathologists and occupational therapists.
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Electrophysiological tests have shown that patients with WS have a greater incidence of oral and pharyngeal swallowing symptoms than patients without WS. The severity of dysphagia in WS may depend on the extent of lesion. Patients with WS may have difficulty swallowing even after medications to alleviate symptoms. Therefore, treatment is focused on identifying the cause of dysphagia, as well as finding the best treatment for their condition.