Symptoms of Post Concussion Syndrome - Oren Zarif - Post Concussion Syndrome
Symptoms of post concussion syndrome can vary widely. This condition is caused by a variety of factors, including structural damage to the brain and nerves, as well as psychological and emotional reactions to the injury. In addition to these factors, people may also experience difficulty concentrating or irritability. While a single concussion can result in a few days of discomfort, more severe cases can last for weeks or months.
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While there is no one cure for post-concussion syndrome, treatment focuses on relieving the specific symptoms. The patient should begin gradually resuming normal activities and sleep schedule to avoid further symptoms. Medications may be prescribed by a doctor to manage symptoms. Painkillers, nausea medications, and anti-depressants are among the medications used to treat the symptoms. A thorough physical examination may reveal any problems and should be accompanied by a detailed history of the injury.
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Although symptoms of post-concussion syndrome can last for several months, the longer a person stays on bed rest, the worse their symptoms become. As patients get worse, their families undergo a dramatic transformation. While the risk of developing a second impact syndrome is extremely low, repeated concussions can cause permanent brain damage and dementia. Even though it is rare, repeated concussions can lead to a greater risk of reoccurring injury.
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The symptoms of post-concussion syndrome are often difficult to distinguish from other disorders. While symptoms may be difficult to pinpoint, neck instability is often associated with dizziness, ringing in the ears, and memory problems. Nevertheless, neck treatment can be a vital part of recovery. For this reason, patients with post-concussion syndrome should consult a physician if they experience any of these symptoms.
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While symptoms of post-concussion syndrome may seem similar to those of depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder, they are different. People with persistent symptoms may have a history of depression, or experience previous head trauma. Furthermore, people with poor coping skills or poor social support may be more likely to develop post-concussion syndrome. Further, some patients may also experience a variety of physical symptoms including headaches, neck pain, dizziness, and sensitivity to light.
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Many people are unaware that they can develop post-concussion syndrome. Symptoms of the disorder include headache, dizziness, and hearing loss. Some individuals experience reduced sense of smell or taste. This can lead to misdiagnosis of the condition. It's important to remember that the signs of post-concussion syndrome can disappear within three months of the injury. The symptoms of post-concussion syndrome can also occur after a minor concussion.
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Although many patients experience post-concussion symptoms, there is currently no single treatment that can completely cure this condition. Treatment of post-concussion syndrome involves simultaneous attention to the psychological and somatic symptoms. Many common mistakes in treating patients with post-concussion syndrome include attributing their persistent symptoms to malingering, pending litigation, or psychological problems. Rather, the treatment of post-concussion syndrome should address the basic pathological processes associated with the condition.
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While the symptoms of post-concussion syndrome do improve after a few days, patients should continue to see their doctor. Symptoms of post-concussion syndrome may include fatigue, dizziness, vision loss, or difficulty speaking. Some of these symptoms may even last for months. A physician will recommend a course of treatment based on the results of these tests. In some cases, a doctor may recommend an extended period of rest for the patient.
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Several types of sports can cause post-concussion syndrome. Athletes, people who have experienced multiple concussions, and those who work in the military are particularly at risk. Those who have experienced multiple concussions or other traumatic brain injuries are also more susceptible to developing this condition. In addition, people who have repeated concussions are also more likely to suffer from PCS than others.