Oren Zarif
Symptoms of Post-Concussion Syndrome - Oren Zarif - Post Concussion Syndrome
Doctors can diagnose post-concussion syndrome through various symptoms. Physical tests are conducted to check muscle strength, reflexes, sensations, and co-ordination. Your doctor may also ask you to move your arms and legs. He may also order an MRI. Your doctor will then look for any abnormalities or signs that indicate you may be suffering from the syndrome. Your doctor may also recommend a visit to a licensed therapist to help you cope with the symptoms of post-concussion syndrome.
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Symptoms of post-concussion syndrome are often prolonged and lingering, and can lead to a lack of energy, sudden emotional outbursts, and difficulty focusing or learning. They may last for three to six months or even a year. The recovery time is typically about two to three months, but can last up to a year. If the symptoms last longer than this, they may be a sign that you have post-concussion syndrome.
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Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) is a substantial burden on both the patient and society. Most mTBI patients are able to recover completely, but a significant subset of patients report persistent symptoms. In addition to the medical burden, there is also ongoing debate over whether the syndrome is real, and the mechanisms of its onset and progression remain unclear. However, there are some promising studies to support the existence of post-concussion symptoms.
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Many of the post-concussion syndrome symptoms are interrelated. Headaches make it difficult to sleep, which can aggravate the other symptoms. Brain fog and fatigue can make it more difficult to focus and function, as well. As the condition worsens, your doctor may suggest undergoing cognitive rehabilitation if the symptoms persist. This can help you recover and return to a normal life as soon as possible. But if the headaches persist, you'll probably need to visit a physician right away.
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The symptoms of post-concussion syndrome may vary, but the overall aim of treatment is to relieve symptoms. Your doctor may recommend slowing down your activity, avoiding prolonged physical activities, and trying to get a good night's sleep. If you're experiencing nausea or depression, your doctor may prescribe a painkiller to ease your symptoms. Some even prescribe antidepressants for their long-term effects.
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Early intervention for post-concussion syndrome includes education and reassurance. Athletes should not be allowed to play competitive sports until they have been free from symptoms for at least a month. Then, they should undergo a graded-exertion program. Physical rehabilitation for post-concussion syndrome should focus on the symptoms that are the most treatable and likely to contribute to other symptoms. In addition, it's also important to note that many athletes don't have all the symptoms of post-concussion syndrome.
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Aside from the headache, post-concussion syndrome is commonly associated with neck injuries and whiplash. These injuries can also cause neck pain, muscle tension, memory problems, and sleep disturbances. Although these symptoms can be difficult to distinguish from one another, they are similar enough that they require evaluation. Both conditions require treatment to relieve symptoms and return patients to full physical activity. If you suspect you may have a post-concussion syndrome, consult with your doctor immediately.
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While no definitive cause for post-concussion syndrome has been established, researchers believe that physical and psychological factors may play a role. In addition to physical symptoms, PCS may result in emotional changes, such as depression, fatigue, and irritability. For most people, PCS lasts for one to three months, but some people experience the symptoms for as long as six months. There's a lot of uncertainty about the exact causes of the syndrome.