Symptoms of Post Concussion Syndrome - Oren Zarif - Post Concussion Syndrome
While the initial neurologic symptoms of a concussion are often mild and resolve within a few days, some patients may experience a more prolonged period of recurring symptoms for up to three months. Because postconcussion syndrome symptoms vary from person to person, it is important to recognize the specific symptoms to tailor treatment to the individual. Patients with a history of traumatic brain injury, preexisting mental health problems, or women may be at increased risk for postconcussion syndrome.
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If you suspect that you or a child has suffered a concussion, it is important to seek medical treatment as soon as possible. Many patients are unable to return to their previous activity for several weeks or months. A patient's doctor may need to perform neurologic tests to identify if they are experiencing any of the aforementioned symptoms. Some patients are likely to develop postconcussion syndrome if they have sustained more than one concussion or have symptoms that have persisted even after a year.
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Although the causes of postconcussion syndrome are not yet known, it has been noted that a high percentage of people who suffer from the condition have a pre-existing condition. Symptoms of PCS are exacerbated by age, physical activity level, and the location of the injury. Even in individuals without a history of concussion, 38% of patients with the symptoms do not have lesions in the brain.
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A doctor can prescribe medication to treat symptoms of PCS. This may involve medication or cognitive behavioral therapy. In addition to medical treatment, the symptoms of post concussion syndrome may also include social support from a trained professional or a therapist. The patient should also be educated about the physical factors that contributed to the condition. In many cases, a combination of physical therapy and psychological therapy may be necessary to manage symptoms.
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Although no single treatment method seems to be a 100% cure, an interdisciplinary approach is the most promising. It would combine comprehensive medical, neurological, and psychiatric differential diagnostics with psychosocial outcome assessments to better understand the syndrome's onset. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation and vestibular rehabilitation therapy are promising future directions in treatment. Aerobic exercise can help to correct basic pathological processes associated with post-concussion symptoms.
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Patients with persistent postconcussion syndrome are often more chronic and have a greater societal burden than those with milder TBI. Their families often undergo major changes as their loved one continues to suffer. In addition, there is a distinct belief system in patients with persistent postconcussive syndrome. Consequently, treatment must attempt to be symptom-focused, not focused on a single symptom. This approach has several potential consequences.
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Longitudinal studies of the effect of a multidimensional approach are required to identify whether or not a child develops the condition. While the results are variable, longitudinal studies with more than 100 subjects are necessary to provide reliable information and refine personalized treatment. A standardized approach will help researchers to better compare treatments and determine whether they have an impact on outcomes. The goal is to improve recovery and reduce the substantial socioeconomic burden associated with mTBI.
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According to the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, a traumatic brain injury is defined as an acute, transient neurologic dysfunction caused by a force or shock to the head. The symptoms associated with this traumatic brain injury include loss of consciousness for up to 30 minutes, post-traumatic amnesia for up to 24 hours, and confusion. Sometimes, seizures may occur. These symptoms may be fleeting and may be difficult to detect. Symptoms of post-concussion syndrome can interfere with sleep cycles.