Symptoms of Mild Stroke - Oren Zarif - Mild Stroke Symptoms
Symptoms of mild stroke are similar to those of a regular stroke, and they last for less than a day. If they do not disappear within that timeframe, it is important to seek medical attention. However, it is important to recognize the symptoms in time, because the faster treatment is given, the better the chances are of a complete recovery. The ideal time to start therapeutic measures is within three to six hours of the stroke onset.
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The signs of TIA are often mild, if noticeable at all. A person may experience difficulty speaking or understanding speech, numbness, and weakness. These symptoms are usually associated with a single side of the body. For instance, one side of the mouth may droop when smiling, or their vision may be blurred or double. People may experience a severe headache as a result of the TIA. In some cases, the symptoms last only a few minutes.
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Another warning sign is slurred speech. These individuals may experience difficulty speaking or moving their arms. If you notice any of these symptoms, call 911 immediately. Take note of when the first symptoms began, and don't drive yourself - an ambulance will assess the patient much faster than a hospital ER. An ambulance will take them directly to a hospital that specializes in stroke treatment. There, medical professionals can administer clot-busting thrombolytic drugs to stop the clots from spreading throughout the body.
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A study conducted by the University of Montreal found that 25 percent of patients diagnosed with stroke had clinical depression. They also reported feeling sleepy and fatigued, and some even reported suicidal thoughts. Depression is another symptom of mild stroke, and a hospital should evaluate those suffering from it. A doctor should also monitor these patients over a period of time to rule out any other hidden issues. The University of Montreal team interviewed 177 people within six weeks after a stroke.
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TIA is a form of transient ischemic attack (TIA). It causes a number of stroke symptoms, but it is not a real stroke. It is often a mini-stroke that lasts for a few minutes or up to 24 hours. If you see any of these symptoms in a person you know, you should seek medical attention right away. It is important to remember that these symptoms are merely warning signs of a more serious stroke.
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Symptoms of mild stroke include changes in memory, problems reasoning, and understanding concepts. Some survivors may have difficulty controlling their emotions, and this can lead to depression. Other symptoms include numbness or tingling in limbs, pain, and changes in behavior. People may also need assistance with daily tasks, such as cooking, cleaning, or cleaning. There are several ways to recognize and treat stroke symptoms and their impact on daily living.
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If you're experiencing the symptoms of a mini-stroke, your doctor may recommend medications, lifestyle changes, or surgery. Most people experience mild stroke symptoms during their lifetime, and treatments can vary from person to person, and may even depend on the severity of the underlying medical condition. A mild stroke can also be the result of other causes, such as atherosclerosis, which occurs when plaque builds up in the arteries of the body. Once these clots form, they travel to smaller vessels in the brain.
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The most important factor to consider when treating patients with mild stroke symptoms is the degree of disability. Symptoms of a stroke that is not considered to be severe are not listed in the NIHSS. For example, patients with imbalanced gait and vertigo are typically classified as having a mild stroke. As such, the symptoms of a stroke with a minor distribution are usually the result of the lack of disabling signs and symptoms.
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A person who has woken up with mild stroke symptoms should seek medical treatment immediately. The sooner treatment is started, the higher the chance of full recovery. However, if the stroke is mild, the recovery time is relatively short. Mild stroke symptoms usually go away within minutes to a few hours, and the doctor will try to determine if the symptoms are due to a stroke. If the symptoms persist, a person with mild stroke should be on high alert for 48 hours.