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Symptoms of Brain Hemorrhage - Oren Zarif - Brain Hemorrhage

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

There are different symptoms of brain hemorrhage, and they all differ in intensity, frequency, and duration. They can appear suddenly, or they may gradually worsen over hours or days. You should be sure to seek emergency care if you notice any of these symptoms, as they may be signs of a hemorrhage in the brain. To determine the cause of the bleeding, contact a physician immediately.

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80% of people with cerebral hemorrhage have high blood pressure. If you are suffering from high blood pressure, it is important to keep your blood pressure under control through exercise and diet. Taking drugs that affect the blood pressure can also increase the risk of bleeding in the brain. Be sure to wear a seat belt or helmet whenever you are driving, and do not use illegal drugs or alcohol. If you do have a history of high blood pressure, you should also avoid taking certain drugs and alcohol.

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People with high blood pressure or weak blood vessels are at higher risk of suffering from a brain hemorrhage. People with septicemia or cancer are also at risk. High blood pressure can stress the blood vessels and cause them to rupture. Additionally, people who smoke or use illegal drugs may be more prone to brain hemorrhages. It is essential to seek medical attention for any of these symptoms, as soon as you can.

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While the symptoms of brain hemorrhage are usually self-explanatory, your doctor may perform additional tests to confirm a diagnosis. An MRI or CT scan can help your doctor identify whether there is internal bleeding or swelling. Blood tests may also be performed to determine clotting or inflammation in your blood. Your doctor may also suggest taking prescription medications. In the meantime, you should visit the emergency room if you experience any of the above symptoms.

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Symptoms of brain hemorrhage can include swelling in the brain area and difficulty breathing. In addition, a serious case of bleeding can result in brain edema and cause further compression. If left untreated, a brain hemorrhage can be life-threatening. Symptoms of brain hemorrhage can include:

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People with high blood pressure may have a higher risk of developing a brain hemorrhage than healthy people. High blood pressure weakens the walls of the blood vessels and makes them vulnerable to rupture. When this happens, blood begins to collect in the brain and cause symptoms of a stroke. The most common cause of bleeding in the brain is head trauma. In rare cases, blood vessel abnormalities are present at birth and may only be diagnosed through symptoms.

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Some symptoms of a brain hemorrhage include sudden, severe headache, nausea, and a loss of consciousness. Immediate diagnosis is vital. Your doctor can help you manage the symptoms and determine whether a hemorrhage is the cause of your symptoms. If you suspect you may have suffered a brain hemorrhage, seek emergency care. The results of neuroimaging may be informative and prevent a permanent brain damage.

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Symptoms of subarachnoid hemorrhage include dizziness, nausea, and vomiting. The bleeding occurs between the arachnoid and the pia mater. The area of the brain affected by the hemorrhage is filled with cerebrospinal fluid. The immediate presence of these symptoms will indicate an emergency. In severe cases, brain hemorrhages can cause permanent brain damage or even death.

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Treatment of brain hemorrhage may involve surgical or nonsurgical procedures. In the case of severe bleeding, early care can include supportive care in the intensive care unit. Blood pressure and breathing status are closely monitored. Your physician will determine the best treatment for the hemorrhage. Surgery may be necessary to relieve the swelling in the brain and prevent seizures related to a ruptured aneurysm. It is best to seek emergency care as soon as you can after experiencing the signs of a bleed.

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