Symptoms of an Embolic Stroke - Oren Zarif - Embolic Stroke
People suffering from an embolic stroke may feel disoriented or lose the ability to move their limbs, perform simple manipulations, or even stand up. Symptoms are categorized based on which part of the brain is affected. When these symptoms appear, it is time to call an ambulance or visit your local emergency room. A proper diagnosis requires a thorough medical examination. If you suspect an embolic stroke, you should contact a physician immediately.
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During an embolic stroke, the blood clots can originate anywhere in the body, including the heart, upper chest, neck, and pelvis. They travel through the bloodstream to the brain where they cause ischemia. These blood clots are called emboli and can be made of plaque or air bubbles that escaped from an artery wall. An abnormal heartbeat (called atrial fibrillation) can also result in blood pooling in the brain.
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In acute strokes, the underlying disease must be addressed to prevent embolic stroke. Echocardiography is a vital diagnostic tool for the detection of emboli. Echocardiography helps doctors identify underlying causes of an embolic stroke. Although it is not 100% accurate, echocardiography can provide valuable information in the detection of an embolic stroke. In the meantime, doctors should focus on preventing and treating any underlying condition that may contribute to embolic stroke.
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A vascular surgeon will perform a carotid endarterectomy, which removes plaque from the carotid artery, or a mechanical thrombectomy, in which a catheter is inserted through the carotid artery and breaks up the clot. Patients who have suffered an embolic stroke at Tampa General Hospital will receive 24-hour stroke care from a team of neurologists, neurosurgeons, and physiotherapists who provide comprehensive care. During the course of treatment, they may need to undergo rehabilitation in order to regain lost function.
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An embolic stroke occurs when a clot in a major artery in the brain causes blood vessel occlusion, causing a sudden, involuntary thrombosis and a resulting ischemic event. The symptoms of an embolic stroke are similar to those of a regular stroke, but patients suffering from hemorrhagic stroke tend to be younger. This type of stroke is characterized by lower survival rates than an ischemic stroke.
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The cause of embolic stroke is largely unknown, and the occurrence of a stroke involving the aortic arch has been associated with multiple pathologies. Among these are carotid artery stenosis and aortic valve disease. In addition, an embolic stroke may also be a result of left ventricular dysfunction or supraventricular tachycardia. The diagnosis of embolic stroke is complex, and no one method works for all patients.
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Other research on the cause of embolic stroke has focused on the perinatal period. An animal model of this condition mimics perinatal embolic stroke, which implies a therapeutic strategy for this condition. It is unclear whether perinatal stroke can be treated with the SIMPLeR approach. A perinatal animal model has shown promising results, however. It is worth noting that the perinatal mouse model demonstrates a high incidence of embolic transformation in both neonates and adults.
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Acute treatment for ischemic stroke includes lowering the risk of developing a recurrent embolic stroke. This can include medication to prevent further damage. As a result, it is important to manage high blood pressure and prevent a stroke from occurring. The sooner you get treatment, the better. In some cases, a treatment can prevent a stroke from occurring at all. The recovery time can vary significantly, so it is important to seek medical care immediately.
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Another type of stroke is a transient ischemic attack, or mini stroke. This type of stroke occurs when a blood clot lodges in an artery in the brain. It is often a sign of a larger stroke to come. The symptoms of a transient ischemic attack vary, based on the area of brain where the clot is lodged. Often, blood clots form elsewhere in the body and travel through the bloodstream. The embolic clot lodges in an artery in the brain, causing a blockage. The symptoms of a TIA are similar to those of a more serious stroke, and usually last a few minutes. TIAs can predict a future stroke.