Symptoms of an Embolic Stroke - Oren Zarif - Embolic Stroke
An embolic stroke can be very serious and may require immediate medical attention. Cognitive symptoms of an embolic stroke can include difficulty in thinking, moving limbs, and even altered states of consciousness. Other symptoms include lethargy, slurred speech, blurred or double vision, and difficulty swallowing. It is important to call 911 as soon as these symptoms occur, as timely treatment of this condition will greatly improve recovery.
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High-risk cardioembolic conditions include atrial fibrillation, recent myocardial infarction, and mechanical prosthetic valves. Minor causes of cardioembolism include patent foramen ovale, calcific aortic valve stenosis, atrial septal aneurosm, and mitral valve annular calcification. These conditions are associated with increased risk of stroke. Patients with these conditions should have their heart checked by a cardiologist to determine if they have any risk factors for embolic stroke.
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A thorough diagnostic evaluation is important for a reliable embolic stroke diagnosis. Investigations should rule out other possible causes, including ischemia, cardiac arrhythmias, and structural abnormalities. The authors of the Lancet Neurology article also recommend further tests for suspected cryptogenic stroke. These investigations can help rule out the cause of an embolic stroke, such as aortic valve stenosis or mitral valve prolapse.
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While individual risk factors for both types of stroke overlap, there are certain factors that can help prevent them. In general, the risk of embolic stroke is higher in older adults and those with serious vascular disease. The symptoms of embolic stroke are usually quite obvious, and it is crucial to seek medical attention as soon as possible. A stroke victim's symptoms include difficulty speaking, writing, swallowing, and vision problems. The symptoms of embolic stroke vary in each patient.
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When a blood clot migrates from an artery in the upper chest or neck, it blocks the flow of blood to a part of the brain. The clot usually originates in the heart and is usually the result of an irregular heart rhythm, which allows blood to pool in a blood vessel. An embolic stroke can result in permanent disability or even death. This is why it is so important to understand how to reduce your risk of developing one. Knowing your risk factors and taking action can reduce the severity of an embolic stroke and save your life.
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Emergency procedures may be needed to treat an embolic stroke. Some of these procedures include a carotid endarterectomy, where a surgeon opens up a narrowed artery, or mechanical clot removal, in which a catheter is inserted into the brain and breaks up the clot. Emergency medical professionals at Tampa General Hospital are experts in addressing the symptoms of embolic stroke and providing comprehensive treatment. Rehabilitation and other forms of therapy are important aspects of stroke recovery.
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Studies of perinatal embolic stroke have shown that the brain can be damaged by hemorrhagic transformation in some cases. While this type of transformation is less common in neonates, it is associated with poorer outcomes and increased mortality rates. A study in neonates has found that a third or more of these patients develop microbleeds in the subacute period, while less than 10% of adults experience this. Therefore, further research is required to identify the factors that cause this type of transformation.
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In addition to hemorrhagic stroke, cerebral hemorrhage can also occur as a result of an uncontrolled blood pressure. In this case, a blood vessel that is located on the surface of the brain suddenly bursts and bleeds into the brain. The brain tissue is damaged, but some survivors have partial brain function or even no disability. As a result, an embolic stroke is often much less severe than an ischemic stroke.
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MRI is the most common form of diagnosis for this type of stroke. It involves imaging of cerebral blood vessels using one of three imaging technologies. This type of test can detect clots or abnormalities in the blood. This test can also detect a narrowing of the arteries. Depending on the type of stroke and its severity, immediate treatment is important for recovery. A proper diagnosis can save a patient's life. In many cases, immediate treatment is necessary to prevent brain death.