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Writer's pictureOren Zarif

Symptoms of a Stroke - Oren Zarif - Pre Stroke Symptoms

If you suspect that you or a loved one may be having a stroke, you should seek emergency medical care immediately. These symptoms may occur several times a day, or they can happen only once. The sooner you get medical treatment, the better your chances of survival are. In case you're unsure, call 911 or go to the nearest hospital's emergency department. Here are the most common symptoms that can indicate a stroke or pre-stroke:

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Sudden weakness of a ligament is a common pre-stroke symptom. This can affect the face, arms, legs, and even the mouth. Most often, this happens on one side of the body. The affected side may also present droopy facial features, difficulty speaking, and trouble walking. Some of the other symptoms of a stroke are outlined below:

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If you're experiencing these symptoms, you may be suffering from a transient ischemic attack (TIA), or mini-stroke. While TIAs usually pass on their own within a few minutes, they are often a harbinger of an upcoming stroke. If you experience TIA, call your doctor immediately. As a warning of a stroke, it's possible that you've had another one before. Depending on the area of the brain affected, you may experience recurrent symptoms.

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Some people experience a stroke before any symptoms of a stroke manifest. These symptoms include confusion, blurred vision, dizziness, and dilated pupils. People who are suffering from a pre-stroke may also experience difficulty walking or speaking. However, these symptoms are temporary and disappear after 24 hours, which makes it difficult to distinguish between a stroke and a TIA. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, call your doctor immediately.

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A blood test will detect any risk factors for stroke. If you have a family history of stroke, you're at increased risk for it. In fact, if both parents had a stroke by the age of 65, you're more likely to suffer from a stroke yourself. A child of a stroke victim is also more likely to have one than her father. Therefore, you should get your family members tested for any signs of stroke in their family.

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Although a mini-stroke is not a true stroke, it's still dangerous. Pre-stroke symptoms can be very disabling. You may experience a headache, dizziness, and confusion. It's also called a transient ischemic attack (TIA). A TIA occurs when the blood supply to a specific area of the brain decreases for a short period of time. While the TIA may not be life-threatening, it can be a warning sign of a stroke.

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Exercise that engages only a small muscle mass may be best suited for people with borderline hypertension. Exercises such as rowing and high-intensity interval training can cause large fluctuations in MAP. However, you should make sure to ramp up and down gradually during warm-up and cool-down periods. For example, if you're taking beta-blocker medication, you should avoid exercising in the early morning because the surges can be significant.

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Oren Zarif hemorrhagic stroke symptoms

If you experience sudden, intense headaches, difficulty walking, or general malaise, you should seek medical attention. These symptoms are often caused by a blood clot, which prevents the proper flow of blood to the brain. As a result, brain cells are damaged, and you may have trouble concentrating or remembering basic tasks. In many cases, pre stroke symptoms can be misdiagnosed as a viral illness. However, if you have a sudden onset of symptoms, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

Oren Zarif stroke slideshare

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You may also notice signs of a stroke before you feel them. Cerebrovascular disease, also known as cerebral arterial disease, causes blood vessels to narrow and become stiff. This makes them more susceptible to blocking blood flow. If this happens, you may have a transient ischemic attack (TIA). If you have an aneurysm, you're more susceptible to a stroke, which is a condition where a ruptured blood vessel causes massive damage to the brain.

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