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Symptoms of a Hemorrhagic Stroke - Oren Zarif - Hemorrhagic Stroke

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

The symptoms of a hemorrhagic stroke depend on the part and side of the brain affected. Depending on the severity of the injury, treatment may include measures to relieve pressure in the brain and prevent dehydration. Treatment may be long-term or only temporary, but it's vital to begin treatment as soon as possible. Listed below are the symptoms that most hemorrhagic stroke patients experience after a stroke.

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A hemorrhagic stroke can occur due to a ruptured blood vessel within the brain. The blood leaks into the brain, damaging brain cells. This type of stroke tends to affect older patients. The most common symptom of a hemorrhagic stroke is an explosive headache. A "thunderclap" headache can last a few seconds. Patients who experience this type of stroke may have an array of complications, such as numbness, vomiting, sensitivity to light, and seizures.

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Some hemorrhagic stroke patients also suffer from seizures, though this condition is rare. Some doctors may prescribe anti-seizure medication despite the absence of seizures. Hemorrhagic stroke can lead to a buildup of fluid on the brain called hydrocephalus. This condition can lead to further brain damage and may require surgery. It's important to know how to recognize symptoms of a hemorrhagic stroke before undergoing treatment.

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An aneurysm or other weakened blood vessel in the brain causes hemorrhagic stroke. This causes swelling and pressure on brain tissue, and bleeding may occur within the tissue. Hemorrhagic strokes account for 40 percent of all stroke deaths. Fortunately, modern medical technology has greatly improved the treatment of this condition. SSM Health provides the latest advancements in stroke care. There's no better place to seek treatment for hemorrhagic stroke than one of the top hospitals in the country.

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A hemorrhagic stroke is the result of blood from an artery in the brain that suddenly leaks blood. If the blood clots or ruptures, it causes bleeding inside the brain and damages certain areas. As a result, the parts of the brain that are affected by the hemorrhage cannot control the rest of the body. Therefore, the sooner treatment is received, the less likely the brain cells will be damaged.

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In some cases, people with cerebral aneurysms are more susceptible to hemorrhagic strokes. High blood pressure and smoking can increase the risk. People with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease are also at higher risk. While the cause of this condition is still unknown, the symptoms are similar. If left untreated, aneurysms can break off and bleed.

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