Symptoms of a Head Injury - Oren Zarif - Head Injury
Symptoms of a head injury will vary from person to person. For the most part, symptoms will not appear immediately after a head injury. However, if any of the following symptoms persist, you should immediately call your doctor or visit an emergency room. If you have experienced a head injury, contact a doctor for further medical advice. In the event of a serious head injury, you should call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.
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A CT scan will be performed if a suspected head injury is suspected. This test uses a powerful magnetic field and radio frequency pulses to produce detailed pictures of internal body structures. Physicians can use MRI to diagnose a head injury. Some techniques of MRI include diffusion-weighted imaging, diffusion-tensor imaging, and MR spectroscopy. In severe cases, a doctor may use the MRI to determine whether surgery is necessary.
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Another type of head injury, known as diffuse axonal injury, is caused by an object striking the brain inside the skull. During the collision, the nerve fibers of the central body of a nerve cell are stretched or torn, damaging them permanently. Shear injury may also cause a variety of other complications in the nervous system, including memory loss and altered behavior. For these reasons, patients should seek medical attention immediately after sustaining a head injury.
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If your injury is a mild traumatic brain injury, you may not need to seek immediate medical attention. However, if your injury is moderate to severe, you should seek medical attention. Rehabilitation will depend on the type of injury and whether you have any functional deficits. If you have a more serious head injury, you may need surgery to remove a hematoma or reduce pressure on the brain. Further, you may need rehabilitation such as physical therapy or speech therapy.
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Traumatic brain injury statistics include both acute and chronic. Sports and recreational activities are the most common sources of head injury, while accidents caused by violence or falls are also a factor. Even spontaneous head injuries may be the result of another type of injury. Research is still needed to determine whether traumatic brain injury can be diagnosed without autopsy. Furthermore, medications may result in a traumatic brain injury, and they cause a variety of symptoms. However, it is important to note that the majority of reported head injury incidents are traumatic.
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Even if you have a head injury that does not appear to be serious, you should see a doctor right away. Even mild injuries will lead to changes in your brain function. Having a good diagnosis is crucial to your recovery. The Mayo Clinic has free health information on how to identify and treat a head injury. This information is invaluable if you or someone else has experienced a serious head injury. Ahead of time, you can help prevent a catastrophic outcome and save a life.
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Some people may develop seizures after a head injury. This may occur in the early stages. Similarly, there is a risk of fluid building up in the brain. This fluid is called hydrocephalus, and it can increase pressure inside the brain. Severe head injury can tear protective tissues around the brain. Bacteria can enter the brain through meningitis, and spread to the rest of the nervous system. So, the sooner you receive treatment, the better your recovery will be.
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There are two main types of head injuries. These injuries are closed head injuries, and open head injuries, which occur when an object penetrates the skull and enters the brain. These injuries can vary in severity and can lead to permanent disability. Signs of a head injury can include loss of consciousness, abnormal breathing, and a clear liquid on the forehead. You may also experience seizures if you experience one of these symptoms. If you suspect that you or someone you know has suffered a head injury, contact a medical professional immediately to get the proper medical attention.
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In a recent report, the NCCSIR found that the majority of brain trauma victims had prior concussions. Because of the controversy surrounding the NFL, researchers have begun exploring the long-term consequences of concussions. Three ex-NFL players were diagnosed with chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), a neurological disorder that affects the brain. Other researchers at UCLA tested five former football players for CTE, and all were diagnosed.