Symptoms of a Concussion - Oren Zarif - Concussion
Symptoms of a concussion are often obvious, but some people can be completely unaware that they've had one. You may be experiencing difficulty speaking, walking, or making eye contact. You may also have problems with memory or balance. Seeing a doctor immediately after an accident is highly recommended. You will be asked many questions, including where the injury occurred and the nature of the symptoms. A CT or MRI scan may be required to evaluate a possible concussion.
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In some cases, the symptoms of a concussion will occur immediately, but other symptoms may manifest over time. It is important to get to the emergency room as soon as possible if you feel you may have suffered a concussion. You should also try to get plenty of rest after a concussion. Remember to bring a written list of questions when you visit the emergency room. It's also a good idea to bring a friend or family member along to answer any questions that you may have. Also, write down any new medications, treatments, or instructions that your doctor may give you.
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While concussion symptoms can range from headaches to balance and vision problems, they can also affect a person's mood. While rest has traditionally been the first line of treatment, recent advances have led to newer treatments focusing on specific symptoms. For instance, physical therapy may be necessary if you've had trouble concentrating or remembering things. A doctor may also recommend a thorough medical examination before returning to sports or other activities that involve head contact or potential for further head injuries.
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While physical therapy can help you recover from a concussion, you may need to wait 24 hours after the accident to return to sports or other activities that require concentration. This can prolong the recovery period and make you more sensitive to the same activities upon your return. Slowly resume your usual activities. Just be sure not to return to physical activity too soon. You should be able to return to your previous activity gradually after the initial recovery period has passed.
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After the first few days, it's safe to return to school after a concussion. Make sure you and your health care provider work out a plan that suits you. You may need to miss a few days from school to let your symptoms subside. Gradually add mental activities at home, such as reading or journaling. Eventually, you can return to school after an hour of mental activity. In the meantime, you should continue to avoid any physical activity or physical exertion that might aggravate your symptoms.
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After a concussion, you should avoid activities that require heavy concentration, such as intense physical activity. Taking time off will help your brain heal. It may take weeks to months to fully recover, depending on the severity of the injury. In rare cases, symptoms may last a year. You should consult a medical professional if you experience persistent symptoms or if you've been inactive for more than three months. A second blow to the head can be extremely dangerous and can cause death.
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Even though the symptoms of concussion may not be noticeable immediately after an accident, they'll appear over the following days or weeks. Your child may be confused or dazed. It's possible that they won't even remember how they got hurt. If you suspect your child may have suffered a concussion, make sure you take them to the hospital for further evaluation. Once they're fully recovered, they can return to their activities without the risk of another accident.
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A concussion can be caused by direct trauma to the head, or by rapid acceleration and deceleration of the head. Examples include blast injuries and whiplash accidents. While many people assume a concussion means that the victim has lost consciousness, this is not necessarily true. Many concussion victims never experience these symptoms and do not even know that they've been injured. Many people are unaware that they've suffered a concussion, but the symptoms of one can be very alarming.
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The most common signs of a concussion include headache, nausea, and difficulty concentrating. If left untreated, these symptoms can interfere with a student's ability to learn and process information. They can also hinder a student's ability to focus, and keep track of assignments and tests. Other symptoms include sleep disturbance and fatigue. Some people don't feel well after an incident, and symptoms are worse if a student is awake for longer than normal.