Symptoms of a Brain Bleed - Oren Zarif - Brain Bleed
Brain bleeds can happen after a severe head injury. They can also occur in patients who have other medical conditions that weaken blood vessels. Many prescription medications can increase the risk of brain hemorrhages. Symptoms of a brain bleed vary depending on where it occurs and how much brain tissue is affected. The symptoms of a brain hemorrhage can be sudden, or they can develop gradually and overlap with symptoms of other conditions.
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The treatment for brain bleeds depends on the location and size of the hemorrhage. In severe cases, emergency surgery may be necessary to remove the bleeding and a tumor in the brain. Sometimes, rehabilitation is necessary to regain basic skills. If treatment is timely and effective, a brain bleed can be a life-altering medical emergency. With proper medical treatment, a person can make a substantial recovery from the symptoms.
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If a brain bleed causes damage to the spinal cord or brain, it can severely affect the patient's quality of life. Patients can experience problems with speech, memory, and movement, among other symptoms. These symptoms may be delayed or unresponsive, and they depend on the location of the bleed. In most cases, the bleeding can heal itself on its own, but if it is not treated right away, it can lead to paralysis, coma, and even death.
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The symptoms of a brain bleed will vary depending on where it occurs, the size of the bleed, and the extent of affected tissue. The symptoms can develop over time or suddenly. Often, doctors will perform a CT scan or an MRI to determine where the bleeding is occurring. MRI scans may reveal swelling in the optic nerves. If the bleeding is more severe, a doctor may perform other tests to confirm the diagnosis.
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A patient will likely stay in the hospital for the remainder of the bleeding process. During this hospital stay, he or she will receive inpatient treatment. After discharge, he or she may undergo outpatient long-term rehabilitation. This treatment may include physical therapy, speech, occupational therapy, and lifestyle changes to reduce the risk of future hemorrhages. If the bleeding has occurred in a major vessel, surgery may be necessary to remove it.
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While a bleeding brain is accompanied by a headache, the specific symptoms of a cerebral hemorrhage may vary. Vision and balance problems, weakness on one side, and sudden seizures may occur. If the bleed has occurred in an area of the brain called the speech center, it could result in a speech disturbance or a coma. A stroke may also occur when a blood vessel in the brainstem bursts.
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Premature babies are at greater risk of suffering a brain bleed. Therefore, doctors should prevent preterm birth and other complications during delivery. Women with smaller or larger babies are also at risk for a brain bleed. A vaginal birth may be an option. A doctor will be able to assess the severity of the bleeding and give the best care. This treatment may minimize the risk of long-term complications, such as cerebral palsy.
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After a car accident, there are many ways to cause a brain bleed. Car crashes often cause head injuries and brain bleeds. The force of the crash can rupture blood vessels in the brain. The ruptured blood fills the space between the skull and the brain, compressing the brain and killing its cells. In some cases, brain bleeding can occur without external injuries, including loss of consciousness. Regardless of the cause, recognizing the symptoms of a brain bleed can save your life.
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A traumatic brain injury may cause a subdural hematoma. A subdural hematoma is a collection of blood under the inner layer of the brain's dura mater. It can occur spontaneously, during a lumbar puncture, or as a result of an injury to the skull bone. Either way, subdural hematoma is dangerous and requires immediate medical care.
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If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, call your doctor or 911. The first priority is getting to a hospital. The emergency room may not be able to take you to a doctor if you're unconscious, but you can make an appointment with a hospital that specializes in treating neurologic disorders. LVH-Cedar Crest is Lehigh Valley Health Network's only Comprehensive Stroke Center. Once your accident has occurred, you can take advantage of LVH-Cedar Crest's neurologic support groups and stroke care.
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What is a brain bleed? Brain bleeds occur when blood vessels in the brain rupture. They cause a large amount of blood to spill into surrounding cranial tissue. According to the Brain Aneurysm Foundation, 30,000 Americans die each year due to brain bleeding. It is not uncommon for someone to experience a bleed as a result of trauma to the head, a stroke, a blood vessel abnormality, or a tumor.