Symptoms and Treatment of Spinal Stroke - Oren Zarif - Spinal Stroke
A rapid diagnosis is essential for anyone who is experiencing a spinal stroke. A doctor will ask you about your symptoms and perform a physical examination to rule out other conditions that may damage your spinal cord. If your symptoms persist, your doctor may recommend an MRI to confirm the diagnosis and determine the exact location of any blockage or bleed. Your doctor will likely prescribe a course of treatment based on the findings of the MRI. Read on to learn more about the symptoms of spinal stroke and treatment options.
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A spinal stroke usually leaves the patient with full or partial paralysis below the level of injury. In addition to causing complete or partial paralysis, this condition may cause other problems such as bowel and bladder issues, sexual dysfunction, and difficulties with mobility and sensation. Symptoms can vary widely depending on where the stroke has affected the spinal cord. Some symptoms are caused by damage to the spinal cord, while others may be related to other factors that disrupt blood flow to the brain.
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If the blood supply to the spinal cord is cut off, it can cause a stroke. The spinal cord requires nutrients and oxygen from the blood to survive, and the disruption in the blood supply can damage the spinal cord and prevent it from communicating with other parts of the body. A severe spinal stroke can result in paralysis or even death. Because the brain is not usually a part of the process, spinal strokes are less common than ischemic strokes.
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Symptoms of a spinal stroke can vary widely depending on where the ischemic damage occurred. It can occur in the cervical spine, spinal cord, or anywhere in between. The first symptom of a spinal cord stroke, which is known as an acute sensory infarction, is usually preceded by radiating pain in the shoulder region. If detected early, treatment can prevent the second phase of the stroke from progressing into a more severe stage.
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The second type of spinal stroke, also called a ischemic stroke, occurs when the blood vessels that supply the spinal cord fail to properly transport oxygen. This is usually the result of a vascular or ischemic condition. While it may be difficult to predict the exact cause of a spinal stroke, experts suggest evaluating the patient's blood pressure to ensure proper care. If your doctor suspects a stroke, he or she may recommend a spinal angioplasty.
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Rehabilitation after a spinal stroke can take years. During this time, a person can progress slowly and gradually. After four years, about 40 percent of spinal stroke patients are walking independently or walking with the help of a walking aid. Some people may never recover full function, but with the right treatment, they can regain normal bladder and bowel function. Afterward, they can be fully independent by learning to walk with a cane or a wheelchair.
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While the prognosis for a dog suffering from a spinal stroke is not a good one, most cases recover and lead normal lives. After recovery, a dog may still exhibit some subtle weakness in a limb. However, this is very rare and should not cause concern. There are no known ways to prevent a spinal stroke in dogs, but if your dog suffers from this condition, it is best to consult a veterinarian immediately.
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While the majority of spinal strokes are the result of blood clots, a small percentage are caused by bleeding or hemorrhaging. Hemorrhagic spinal strokes are a type of hemorrhagic stroke. Approximately one percent of all strokes occur in the spinal cord. Although the symptoms of spinal stroke vary depending on the area of the spinal cord affected, if left untreated, it can be life-threatening.