Symptoms and Treatment of an Embolic Stroke - Oren Zarif - Embolic Stroke
Symptoms of an embolic stroke include the inability to move limbs or perform simple manipulations. While they may be a small portion of the overall symptoms, these are sufficient to call for emergency medical help. As with any type of stroke, early diagnosis and treatment can greatly improve recovery rates. Symptoms of embolic stroke vary depending on the area of the brain affected. A medical team is typically assembled to provide comprehensive stroke management.
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An undetermined source of embolic stroke has a multidisciplinary approach. Patients with ESUS are often given a diagnostic algorithm, but the approach might be expensive and may not be appropriate for some patients. Emboli are a complication of cryptogenic stroke. A multidisciplinary approach is required to determine whether they are caused by a single or a combination of causes. In a recent Lancet Neurology article, Hart RG, and colleagues proposed an algorithm for determining the cause of embolic stroke.
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To accurately diagnose an embolic stroke, a comprehensive diagnostic workup is required. Often, there is no recognizable source, so researchers have proposed an acronym, Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source. It was a term coined to distinguish it from cardiogenic embolism, large artery atherosclerosis, and lacunar artery occlusion. The diagnosis was controversial but is often an accurate one.
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As mentioned earlier, an embolic stroke is a life-threatening medical emergency. It can cause profound disability and even death. It is the fifth most common cause of disability and death in the United States. However, embolic stroke has many of the same symptoms as an ischemic stroke. If you experience any of these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately. This is a life-threatening medical condition that requires immediate medical attention. In many cases, the clots can form as a piece of an existing blood clot and be carried by the bloodstream to the brain. It will then become wedged in the artery and completely cut off the blood flow to the brain.
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Treatment for an embolic stroke varies depending on the location of the clot. Emergency medical staff can administer a blood-thinning medication or intravenous TPA to remove the blockage. Surgery is also an option. A thrombectomy can be performed within 24 hours of onset of symptoms and is most effective when it is performed within six hours of the first stroke symptoms. The treatments for this condition depend on the clot and the severity of the symptoms.
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An MRI scan of the head uses a powerful magnetic field and radio frequency pulses to produce detailed images of the brain and internal structures. This type of scan can help determine whether or not an embolic stroke has occurred. MR scans of the brain can also be used to visualize cerebral vessels. MR perfusion and angiography are two common types of MRI scans. An electrocardiogram, meanwhile, is used to determine the heart's electrical activity.
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Many studies show that prevention of stroke is possible. However, it is not always possible to completely avoid the risk of embolic stroke. Certain risk factors make a person more susceptible to it. Age, vascular disease, and smoking are just a few of the risk factors. People over 60 years of age, people with serious vascular dysfunction, and people who have had a previous stroke should be tested for stroke. Although stroke rarely produces symptoms, there are several signs that indicate a stroke has occurred. These symptoms may include impaired vision, speech, coordination, reading, writing, swallowing, and writing.
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When a blood vessel on the surface of the brain ruptures, bleeding occurs within the space between the brain and the skull. Uncontrolled high blood pressure may also result in this type of stroke. The resulting damage can cause a coma or death. If the bleed goes deeper into the brain, it may be a sign of hemorrhagic stroke. If this type of stroke is left untreated, the patient will likely have a poorer outcome and be unable to recover.
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Transient ischemic attacks, or TIAs, can occur months before a thrombotic stroke. While the symptoms of TIAs are similar to those of a stroke, they are much less serious. However, they are considered an indication of a stroke and should be treated immediately. If the artery is blocked, blood flow will be limited and brain cells will die. The symptoms of an embolic stroke will depend on which artery is affected and how long it took to occur.