Symptoms and Effects of Frontal Lobe Damage - Oren Zarif - Frontal Lobe Damage
If you or a loved one has suffered frontal lobe damage, you may be struggling to make ends meet and to stay afloat. Many people suffering from this kind of injury have trouble identifying the signs of the damage and coping with the aftermath. However, there are ways to overcome these challenges and overcome the psychological trauma of living with the effects of traumatic brain injury. Listed below are some of the signs of frontal lobe damage and ways to cope with these changes.
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The first and most important element in testing frontal lobe damage is a thorough neurological examination. During the exam, the physician should ask about the patient's family history and close friends. Behavioral changes are also noted during the exam, including abulia, inappropriate jocularity, insight impairment, and confabulation. Lastly, a patient should be observed for environmental dependency, such as putting on someone else's glasses or avoiding a conversation.
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Although the study is preliminary, the results suggest that the damage to the frontal lobe can impact memory and the ability to remember events and information in context. Unfortunately, frontal lobe injuries can take a long time to treat. In the meantime, sufferers often experience a variety of emotional, behavioral, and cognitive issues that require ongoing treatment. The research on the symptoms of frontal lobe damage will help researchers understand and treat the condition.
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Treatment for frontal lobe damage varies depending on the type of injury and its cause. Depending on the cause of the damage, patients can undergo physical therapy to restore their mobility, occupational therapy to increase cognitive function, and speech-language therapy to address behavioral and emotional problems. Sometimes, medications can help with impulse control problems. If the cause of frontal lobe damage is neurodegenerative, a surgery may be necessary.
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The effects of frontal lobe damage are varied, ranging from mild to severe. Some people with frontal lobe damage may suffer from a range of emotional problems, including difficulty in planning projects, impulsivity, and lack of self-control. Others may experience a change in their goals or emotions, known as frontal lobe syndrome. This syndrome is also associated with atypical sexual behavior and apathy.
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In rare cases, people may experience severe symptoms of frontal lobe damage that may last a lifetime. Symptoms of frontal lobe damage may include personality changes, loss of social skills, and increased risk-taking. A doctor can diagnose frontal lobe damage if there is brain damage and recommend treatment. If treatment is needed, a doctor will provide a customized plan. However, if the damage is mild and not permanent, the symptoms may be temporary.
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In some cases, people with frontal lobe damage may experience increased risk-taking and impulsivity. These two behaviors are closely related to the same process, and they can affect the way people make decisions. Impulsivity is characterized by a lack of self-control and risk-taking is related to reward-based decision-making. Impulsive individuals tend to make decisions quickly, lacking in self-control, and will usually jump at the chance of a reward. This increased risk-taking behavior can be observed during gambling tasks. Some researchers have devised gambling tasks to measure risk-taking after frontal lobe damage.
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The study participants with frontal lobe injury had higher rates of aggressive dyscontrol. Their EEGs revealed more frontal abnormalities than those without. The frontal lobe was associated with higher rates of aggression in subjects with prefrontal lobe disorders. These studies are not definitive, and a prospective study would be necessary to confirm the association. This finding is particularly important in the context of the psychiatric symptoms of aggressive disorder.
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Despite the wide range of pathologies that can result in frontal lobe damage, the resulting syndrome can lead to impaired decision-making. Recent efforts to understand the functioning of the ventromedial frontal lobe have focused on tracking reward, punishment, and risk. While decision making is a complicated process, the study aimed to find the specific stages of decision-making affected by frontal lobe damage in patients.
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The left frontal lobe is the most important part of the brain and accounts for 41% of the neocortical volume. It is located in the anterior cranial fossa and lies on the frontal bone's orbital plate. The most anterior part of the frontal lobe is called the frontal pole, while its posterior part, the temporal lobe, is separated from it by the lateral sulcus.