Symptoms and Diagnosis of Embolic Stroke - Oren Zarif - Embolic Stroke
There are several symptoms of embolic stroke. These can vary, but they often involve an inability to move limbs or perform simple manipulations. The affected area of the brain will dictate the symptoms and therefore the symptoms of embolic stroke. These symptoms should prompt you to call an ambulance. However, the diagnostic process for embolic stroke is complex, and doctors need to gather numerous data to determine whether the condition is embolic or not.
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The diagnosis of embolic stroke can be complicated by the presence of other cardiovascular abnormalities. Patients with PFO, atrial fibrillation, or aortic dissection may be classified as cardioembolic. However, a large number of patients with cryptogenic stroke have few or no traditional risk factors. Regardless of the cause, a patient will need to undergo a full etiological investigation to diagnose the underlying cause of the stroke.
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Because ischemic stroke is a life-threatening condition, treatment is critical. Blood flow to the brain needs to be restored immediately. A doctor can insert a catheter or use clot-busting medications to help you recover. If your embolic stroke is caused by an artery disease, a doctor can prescribe medications that can stop the bleeding. But if it is caused by another medical condition, treatment will likely be different.
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If you suspect that you have embolic stroke, you should be evaluated by a neurologist. An MRI or CT scan can help determine the source of the stroke. You should also check for any comorbidities that may be present in the patient. Some patients may not need an embolic stroke diagnosis. If the patient has a history of any of these conditions, your doctor may need to perform additional tests to identify the underlying cause of the stroke.
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A blood clot lodged in an artery is the most common cause of an embolic stroke. This clot travels through the bloodstream to the brain and blocks blood flow. Because the brain relies on nearby arteries to bring blood, it needs to be supplied with sufficient oxygen and nutrients. If the blockage is prolonged, brain cells begin to die. The most important thing to do is to reduce your risk. Once you have the right information, you can start taking steps to reduce your risk of having an embolic stroke.
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While ESUS patients are younger than stroke patients with AF, they are generally less severe. They also have a lower stroke severity than cardioembolic patients. The Athens Stroke Registry has compared ESUS patients with cardioembolic stroke patients and found that ESUS patients had significantly lower National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale scores. Both trials suggest that the risk of having a second stroke is lower in ESUS patients. This is important for patients because no clear therapy has been discovered for ESUS.
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Embolic stroke is a type of ischemic stroke that does not have a known source. It can occur from multiple causes, including thromboembolic events, PFO, or carotid artery stenosis. To diagnose embolic stroke, a comprehensive diagnostic evaluation is needed. The underlying cause must be excluded, and some cases may be straightforward because of few comorbidities.
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People with embolic stroke may have difficulty moving limbs and performing simple manipulations. The symptoms of this type of stroke depend on the area of the brain affected. If you suspect you may be suffering from this type of stroke, call 911 immediately and seek medical attention. The sooner you seek medical attention, the better your chances of a full recovery. If you or someone you know has had an embolic stroke, remember that recovery is possible.