Symptoms and Diagnosis of a Cerebral Contusion - Oren Zarif - Contusion Cerebral
A cerebral contusion occurs when blood pools in the brain's surrounding tissues. This condition can result in bruising, internal bleeding, and decreased heart rate, among other symptoms. A patient may also experience loss of consciousness or sleepiness, as well as numbness or tingling in specific areas of the body. Fortunately, advances in medical technology have made treatment possible for people suffering from a cerebral contusion. Listed below are the most common symptoms of this condition.
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After the initial injury, brain edema is formed. The extra fluid and nutrients in the brain attempt to heal the original injury. Because the skull is rigid and has limited space, this inflammation can potentially cause injury to parts of the brain that were not injured in the original accident. Inflammation is often gradual and can last for seven to 10 days. When the blood clot ruptures, the brain begins to swell. This enlarges the head, increasing pressure and resulting swelling, which may cause further damage to parts of the uninjured brain.
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After an impact, the braincel body can rupture and tear away from the axons that carry signals to various brain bodies. These braincel bodies die within seconds. When these cells die, the surrounding tissues are damaged, and the lesion spreads. The damage may continue for up to 24 hours after the initial impact. This is why the first 24 hours of an accident are crucial. While the effects of brain injury are difficult to predict, it is important to receive the appropriate care immediately.
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If the injury is severe, the affected area should be elevated and rest. However, in some cases, severe contusions may lead to infections and blood clots. Heat may help expedite the absorption of blood. While most contusions heal after a few days, infection may lead to further complications. Further treatment may be needed, as a serious contusion can lead to permanent damage. The symptoms and diagnosis of a contusion may depend on the severity of the injury.
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If the bleeding has occurred in the brain, a hematoma may form. This blood clot occurs in one of three locations: the dura, the skull, and the brain. A person suffering from a hematoma may have headache, drowsiness, confusion, or memory changes, depending on where the damage has occurred. A large clot may require surgery. Although the clot will dissolve over time, if it is large, it will not.
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The patients' age, the location of the injury, and whether the patient has a basal cistern are other important factors that influence the prognosis. The presence of cerebral edema or a subarachnoid hemorrhage may contribute to a better understanding of the patient's condition and treatment options. The authors of this study have concluded that CT grading may help clinicians accurately diagnose patients with concussions.
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Patients with moderate to severe head injuries often go straight to the operating room. This procedure removes the large hematoma or contusion, which has elevated pressure within the skull and compressed the brain. Afterwards, patients are monitored in the intensive care unit and are generally sent home. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to repair the skull and relieve pressure in the brain. However, a patient may need to undergo multiple surgeries and may require lifelong therapy.
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The initial care of patients with a cerebral contusion associated with TBI is provided by the emergency physician, trauma surgeon, and neurosurgeon. Nurses and other medical professionals monitor vital signs and provide important information to make treatment decisions. The clinical laboratory and blood bank provide critical information for the decision-making process. The respiratory therapist is important in managing a ventilator and the neurointensivist coordinates the care of patients undergoing it. In radiological monitoring, the radiologist plays a significant role.
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The symptoms of a cerebral contusion vary from one patient to another. They may be sudden or may develop hours after the injury. In severe cases, a patient may go into a coma. Depending on the severity of the hematoma, the patient may experience a loss of consciousness and paralysis on one or both sides of their body. Additionally, a severe contusion may result in seizures. Ultimately, there is no cure for concussion.
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A contusion cerebral can occur in any part of the brain and has several causes. It can also be caused by several other injuries. Patients with TBI are more likely to have a combination of different types of injuries, and if the injury was caused by more than one thing, the patient may have difficulty answering the question of which one caused the injury. Fortunately, MRIs are available to diagnose and monitor the progression of the brain injury and its impact on the patient.