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Symptoms and Causes of Acquired Brain Injury - Oren Zarif - Acquired Brain Injury
There are many causes of acquired brain injury, including accidents, trauma, stroke, aneurysm, encephalitis, and even brain toxins. In addition to the immediate effects on a person's ability to think and function, acquired brain injuries can have long-term consequences. Some acquired brain injuries can even cause permanent neurological damage. In young adults, trauma-related brain injuries are the most common, and many young men are at high risk for acquiring this condition.
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Other types of acquired brain injury can result in vision disorders. Some of the symptoms of these injuries include: headache, dizziness, loss of peripheral vision, confusion, and even seizures. A person may develop long-term problems with concentration, short-term memory loss, and altered sleep patterns, among other things. Some people may even suffer seizures. A doctor should be consulted for a diagnosis of acquired brain injury. Listed below are common symptoms of acquired brain injury and how to spot them.
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Cognitive changes are another complication of acquired brain injury. After the injury, a person's behaviour and personality can change. They may engage in risky activities or develop problems in social and work relationships. This can be concerning, especially if the person is in a position where they cannot be fully protected. Thankfully, rehabilitation teams have practical strategies for dealing with these issues. Cognitive changes may also result, which can affect the patient's learning and memory, as well as their ability to focus and read.
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There are several types of acquired brain injury. Most serious ones involve traumatic brain injury and stroke. People with traumatic brain injuries may experience emotional and psychological consequences of the trauma. Some of these can last a lifetime. If you have concerns, talk to a physician or call triple zero (000).
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After an accident, the effects of a brain injury are often unclear. They can be mild or severe, and may include a decrease in physical mobility. Some individuals with acquired brain injury report changes in their personality, physical abilities, and sensory capabilities. However, most people with ABI report significant changes in their daily lives. And while the long-term effects are not always known, the recovery process can be long-term and permanent. The recovery time is unpredictable.
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The age at which people develop TBI is the most common time for a person to be admitted to the hospital. About two thirds of people with TBI suffer activity limitations in their 40s, and one-third of individuals who develop ABI are over age 65. In addition, men are more likely to suffer from acquired brain injury than women. There are several causes of ABI, including prolonged alcohol or substance abuse, blood vessel damage, and degenerative neurological conditions.
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Traumatic brain injury, or TBI, is an extremely common form of acquired brain injury. It occurs when there is an abrupt trauma that disrupts brain function. Accidental brain injury, or TBI, can be prevented by following certain safety measures and lifestyle changes. Other types of acquired brain injury are caused by diseases or medical conditions that are beyond our control. In any case, acquired brain injury can cause significant physical, cognitive, emotional, and behavioral changes.
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Violent assaults account for approximately 20% of all ABI cases. While it is important to treat TBI immediately and address the effects of violent assault, ABIs can develop into behaviors that contribute to further abuse. While there are several causes of TBI, violent assault is the most common. Listed below are some examples of ABIs and the ways in which they develop. ABIs are often accompanied by other conditions, such as depression, anxiety, or behavioural problems.
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Traumatic brain injury can range from a mild concussion to a severe brain injury. The cause is often a blow to the head or skull, which jars the brain and causes swelling and bruising. Repeated brain injuries may cause long-term disability or even coma. There is no definitive cure for TBI, but treatments are available. With the proper treatment, you can lead a productive life.
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In addition to occupational therapy, people with TBI can be treated at the same rehabilitation centers as those with nTBI. However, it is important to distinguish between these two conditions because they are often treated with similar post-acute rehabilitation approaches. A study of patients admitted to inpatient rehabilitation centers in the US showed a significant difference in patient characteristics and outcomes based on the type of brain injury. A significant difference was found between TBI and nTBI patients: the TBI group included more older adults, males, and rural residents. Moreover, nTBI patients required longer inpatient rehabilitation, were more likely to have higher comorbidity scores, and were more likely to have at least one special care day.