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Stroke - What Are Stroke Symptoms? - Oren Zarif - Stroke

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

If you suspect a loved one may be suffering from a stroke, call 999 immediately. You may notice that the person cannot speak or lift both arms, smile, or move his or her body. If the person cannot speak, they may not understand what you are saying. Stroke survivors have a lower chance of suffering permanent damage to the brain. Calling 911 will get help to the victim faster. The person will need immediate oxygen and nutrients to recover.

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People suffering from high blood pressure are at greater risk of stroke than people with normal blood pressure. Other risk factors for stroke include being over age 55, being overweight, or drinking too much alcohol or salt. Smokers are also at risk. Stroke symptoms usually happen suddenly, without warning. People who have suffered a stroke before may experience changes in speech, language, or swallowing. Stroke survivors may have difficulty speaking or understanding instructions. If you think you may be having a stroke, call 911 immediately.

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The newest definition of stroke is still being negotiated. The term stroke is now used for a purely clinical classification. However, hemorrhage and infarction involving the CNS are now recognized as different types of stroke. The new definition is important because it can help physicians distinguish between different kinds of stroke. While the definition of stroke is not uniform, modern imaging technology is making the disease more common. In some cases, stroke patients may experience only mild symptoms.

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In some cases, a person may experience a mini-stroke, known as a transient ischemic attack, in which blood flow to a specific area of the brain becomes reduced. This condition may not lead to a full-blown stroke, but it may warn someone of a future stroke. It is also important to seek treatment for a stroke, even if it is not life threatening. A stroke can be fatal - however, doctors have made great progress in managing these types of stroke.

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Rehabilitation after stroke is crucial for the patient's recovery. Rehabilitation can help a stroke victim regain skills and move independently. The goal of rehabilitation is to help a person regain as much function as possible and regain their quality of life. In addition to undergoing physical therapy, doctors will likely administer certain medicines that can help the patient with speech and physical movements. Lastly, patients can seek support from family and friends. The treatment for a stroke is complex and often requires a long time.

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A stroke can cause permanent damage to a person's brain, but with proper diagnosis and treatment, it can be treated and prevented. Early treatment is critical, so it's important to get the treatment you need in the earliest possible time. If it's a severe stroke, treatment can help the patient recover quickly. Stroke treatment is important for the patient's recovery and well-being. There are many treatment options available for ischemic strokes.

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Medical testing is crucial for diagnosis and treatment of stroke. Your doctor will perform a CT scan (or carotid duplex scan) on your head to see the extent of damage and bleeding. He or she will also perform an electrocardiogram to find out where any clots have formed in the heart and have traveled to the brain. Once the diagnosis is made, doctors may prescribe thrombolytic medications to break up the clots in the arteries and prevent or minimize damage to the brain.

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