Stroke Symptoms - Oren Zarif - Stroke Symptoms
The earliest possible medical treatment for stroke victims is vital. Early diagnosis and treatment can reduce the risk of death and permanent brain damage. The sooner the symptoms are noticed, the better. If caught early, stroke survivors can live a full and productive life. Below are some stroke symptoms that you should watch for:
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Muscle weakness and spasms are two common stroke symptoms. Symptoms may include problems with hearing, speaking, thinking, and understanding concepts. It may also affect someone's ability to control their emotions. Depression may be a common result. Symptoms can also include pain, numbness, and tingling. In addition, a stroke victim may have difficulty balancing and may require assistance with daily tasks. And, it can take up to three months for a person to completely recover from the effects of the stroke.
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Visual changes may also be a symptom of stroke. In addition to blurry or blacked out vision, a person suffering from a stroke may experience double or partial loss of vision in one eye. They may also have trouble speaking or keeping their balance. They may even have trouble walking or smiling due to weakness in one arm. Sometimes, people with these stroke symptoms are unable to recognize that they are experiencing these symptoms and should seek medical care immediately.
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Facial weakness and arm weakness are two common stroke symptoms. It is also important to check the patient's speech to see if it has any strange or slurred language. If you notice any of these symptoms, call 911 immediately. Getting immediate medical treatment is essential for survival. The sooner the symptoms are diagnosed and treated, the better the chance of a full recovery. And remember, stroke symptoms can worsen as time goes by.
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Regardless of the type of stroke, treatment for the symptoms of this medical emergency is essential. Proper blood flow is vital for the recovery process, as it provides the brain with oxygen. Without blood flow, brain cells die. Without oxygen, they cannot regenerate. This results in devastating damage to mental, physical, and cognitive functions. If the artery becomes narrowed, a blood clot forms and blocks blood flow. A patient with a stroke will have no memory of the symptoms and will need urgent medical attention.
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Stroke symptoms are common among people at risk for it. Genetics and a family history of strokes increase their risk. The southeastern U.S. is more prone to strokes, but women and men who take hormones, such as estrogen, may be at increased risk for a stroke. These symptoms can include the inability to control certain muscles and a loss of ability to speak, swallow, and use language. The effects of stroke can last for a long time.
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Depending on the severity of the stroke, the symptoms of a stroke can vary considerably. But if recognized early, the symptoms of a stroke can improve the patient's chances of survival. It's important to act quickly to seek medical attention if you suspect a stroke. Treatments for stroke are most effective if they're administered as soon as the symptoms begin. If the stroke is detected early, a patient's recovery can be greatly increased.
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A CT scan, or carotid duplex scan, provides a detailed picture of the brain and can indicate clots in the neck or face. A heart echocardiogram can also detect clots in the heart, which may have traveled to the brain. A thrombolytic drug is used to break up the blood clots in the brain arteries and prevent further brain damage. With a comprehensive diagnosis, stroke patients can begin treatment immediately.
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Physical therapy is another important aspect of stroke care. While the extent of stroke recovery depends on the extent of brain damage, it is expected that a patient will require months to years before regaining the ability to speak and move. In addition to physical therapy, speech and occupational therapy are also important. The therapist will help a stroke survivor regain their former patterns of thinking and manage their emotional responses. This therapy is often performed in a clinic or skilled nursing home.
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Transient ischemic attacks (TIAs) are often the most common symptoms of stroke. These episodes usually last just minutes, but they can lead to permanent disability or even death. A TIA is a warning sign of a larger stroke and should be treated immediately. If you have any of these symptoms, call 911 immediately. Even if they are temporary, it's vital to seek immediate medical treatment. If you have a TIA, call 911 immediately for immediate treatment.