Stroke Symptoms - Oren Zarif - Stroke Symptoms
If you think you or someone you know has been affected by a stroke, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. The sooner you get help, the less likely you are to suffer permanent damage to your brain and to die from it. If you feel any of these stroke symptoms, call triple zero (000) or request an ambulance. Once at the emergency room, the medical staff can begin life-saving treatment. There are several symptoms you should look for.
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If the symptoms last longer than 12 hours, you could have transient ischemic attack (TIA). This is a short-lived blockage of blood flow to the brain that may not lead to a stroke. In fact, some treatments need to be started within a few hours of the onset of the symptoms. If you experience TIA symptoms, seek medical attention right away. TIA symptoms can mimic other illnesses. For example, a migraine may mimic stroke symptoms. Seizures or low blood sugar may cause the same symptoms. Your heart may have an arrhythmia, another stroke symptom.
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Regardless of the underlying cause, proper blood flow to the brain is crucial to recovery. Without oxygen, brain cells die and cannot regenerate. As a result, a stroke can cause irreversible damage to brain tissue and cause disability, loss of speech, and more. There are many ways to prevent a stroke. A healthy lifestyle is a big step towards preventing one. But even if you do not have a family history of stroke, you can reduce your risk of a stroke by learning to spot the symptoms.
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Whether or not you have symptoms, it is important to contact your doctor as soon as possible. Taking an over-the-counter medicine like aspirin can worsen your stroke symptoms. If you have a stroke, the chances of a repeat attack are slim. And if you don't get treatment right away, you could end up worsening the symptoms and risk suffering another one. Your care team will want to evaluate the symptoms and give you the best treatment available.
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The most common stroke symptoms are transient ischemic attacks, or TIAs. While they may pass without requiring medical attention, if they are severe, they can lead to a full stroke if they are left untreated. So if you suspect your loved one is having a stroke, call 911 right away. If your symptoms of a stroke are similar to the symptoms of a TIA, you should seek medical attention right away.
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Smoking and high blood pressure are major risks for stroke. They damage blood vessels and raise blood pressure. Some people have an increased risk of a stroke because of genetics. Women and older people are more likely to suffer from a stroke than men. And African Americans and American Indians are at a higher risk of a stroke than other races. And despite this, there are many ways to avoid getting a stroke. It can even happen to anyone, so it is important to know about the signs and symptoms to help you make a smart decision.
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TIA (transient ischemic attack) is an extremely common type of stroke that occurs without warning. TIAs are caused by a temporary blockage of a blood vessel to the brain. Symptoms can appear minutes or hours after the TIA occurs. However, it is still important to seek medical care if you experience any of these symptoms. In fact, 4 out of every 10 people who have a TIA will go on to have a full stroke.
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There are many other common symptoms associated with stroke. These include: sluggish reaction time, nausea, and vomiting, and numbness and weakness. People with certain medical conditions, lifestyle habits, and environmental factors are at a higher risk of developing a stroke. Having a family history of stroke also increases the risk. Once you are diagnosed with a stroke, you should seek medical care as soon as possible. The sooner you receive treatment, the better the recovery.
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Stroke is more common in men than women. In fact, men are 50% more likely to suffer a stroke than women. The risk of stroke increases with age, including pregnancy. People with high blood pressure are at increased risk of having a stroke. African-Americans and Hispanics are also more likely to experience a stroke than whites. High blood pressure and high cholesterol levels are two major risk factors for stroke. High cholesterol levels are major risk factors, as they contribute to the buildup of plaques in the arteries that restrict the blood flow to the brain.