Stroke Symptoms in Women - Oren Zarif - Stroke Symptoms in Women
If you notice a sudden, severe headache, difficulty walking, and an overall sense of malaise, you should visit your doctor immediately. Women often dismiss these symptoms as flu or food poisoning, but if you notice these things suddenly, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. If you notice other signs of stroke as well, you should call your doctor as soon as possible. Seizures are a major red flag, as they could be signs of brain damage.
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Although women are just as aware of the symptoms of stroke as men, they tend to minimize or downplay the severity of their symptoms. They tend to contact their primary care physician rather than the hospital on their own, so it is important to be aware of their symptoms. Stroke is one of the most serious health conditions, so it is important to seek medical help at the earliest opportunity. Women who are diagnosed with strokes are much more likely to survive if they are treated as quickly as possible.
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Women are more likely than men to experience unique stroke symptoms. However, women may experience other stroke symptoms that are not as common as those experienced by men. For instance, sudden weakness on one side, difficulty understanding speech, and nausea may indicate stroke. Regardless of the symptom, women should seek medical attention immediately. The earlier they seek medical help, the better chance they have of being diagnosed and receiving timely treatment. The sooner they seek treatment, the better.
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Despite the risk factor of pregnancy, a woman's age, race, and ethnicity can increase the risk of stroke. Women with sickle cell disease, for example, have a higher risk of developing a stroke. Hormonal treatments such as birth control pills and estrogen also increase the risk of stroke. Women who smoke also have higher risk of developing metabolic syndrome, a condition that can precede diabetes. If you are a woman with high blood pressure or other risk factors, it is important to consult a doctor immediately.
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Symptomatic migraine is another risk factor for stroke in women. Migraine with aura, for example, can increase the risk of stroke. It can also increase sensitivity to light, odors, and muscle weakness. Women with higher waist sizes are more likely to suffer a stroke. The risk of post-menopause and blood fat levels are other causes of stroke in women. For women, it's best to take action when the symptoms are present.
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Many women's stroke symptoms are subtle and may go unnoticed. If these symptoms are ignored, the results can be disastrous. Without medical attention, the stroke can progress to a severe condition and death. High blood pressure is a major risk factor, causing weakened arteries and the risk of clotting blood. Blood clots can clog arteries in the brain and trigger a stroke. Additionally, pregnancy stresses the circulatory system and increases blood pressure.
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As mentioned above, the symptoms of stroke in men and women are very similar. It's important to recognize these signs when they occur, because symptoms in men and women are similar. Stroke is the number one killer of women. Women have a higher risk of developing high blood pressure than men. A woman's risk of developing stroke increases as she ages. Regular monitoring of blood pressure is also an important step in stroke prevention. But recognizing stroke symptoms in women can make a big difference in the outcome.
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One of the most common symptoms of stroke in women is a change in mental state. The symptoms include confusion and difficulty thinking, as well as difficulty communicating with others. Confusion and a loss of emotional control may follow as well. A woman might also experience pain, numbness, or tingling sensations. Depending on the stroke, she may need help doing daily chores. And she may need assistance with basic daily activities, such as cooking or cleaning.
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If you experience any of these symptoms in women, you should seek medical attention immediately. It's imperative to identify the symptoms of stroke early to reduce the risk of severe complications and save your life. If you notice any of the above symptoms in yourself or a loved one, contact your doctor immediately. In most cases, treatment is possible if the symptoms are recognized and treated promptly. This is a life-saving strategy that will significantly reduce the chances of stroke complications and death.
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Although it's important to be aware of the warning signs of stroke, women's knowledge of them is far less than that of men. A national representative survey of women in the U.S. found that nearly half of women did not recognize the signs of a stroke. While they may be aware of the symptoms of a stroke, they did not have the skills to recognize them. The study also showed that most women would not call for medical attention if they experienced any of the symptoms.