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Stroke Symptoms and Treatment - Oren Zarif - Stroke

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

A stroke occurs when the blood supply to the brain is temporarily interrupted. As a result, brain cells start to die. This is a stroke symptom that can last for minutes or even days, and it is called a transient ischaemic attack (TIA). TIAs can warn that a full stroke is likely. A TIA can also be a symptom of another type of stroke. If you are worried about someone else, you should seek immediate medical attention.

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Treatment for stroke varies greatly and depends on the type of stroke, how the person suffered it, and its cause. Generally, strokes can be prevented by limiting the consumption of high-fat foods, reducing high blood pressure, and lowering cholesterol levels. Patients may also need surgery to remove a blood clot or reduce the risk of further bleeding. Many people who survive strokes have long-term problems from the damage to their brain. Some never fully recover from the condition.

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Speech, language, and cognitive impairments can be caused by a stroke. A speech and language therapist can help stroke survivors learn how to speak again or develop new ways to communicate. A patient may experience changes to their moods and thinking skills, as well as a change in their perception. An occupational therapist can help them regain their previous patterns of thinking, and can also help them deal with emotional reactions. Patients may also experience problems with memory and understanding.

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Certain genetic conditions may increase the risk of stroke. For instance, high blood pressure and diabetes are common among family members, and there are some genetic disorders that block the blood flow to the brain. Men and women are roughly equally at risk for stroke, but women have a significantly lower chance of developing a stroke and having one within two years. Women also tend to experience strokes at later ages, and have them more often than men. Those who do are more likely to die as a result of the stroke than men.

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After a stroke, treatment should be based on the severity of the symptoms. Usually, the symptoms begin within a few minutes of the onset of the symptoms. The chances of recovery from a stroke are higher when the problem is detected early. Depending on the type of stroke, treatments may range from temporary weakness to paralysis. The severity of the stroke will affect a patient's ability to walk, speak, or understand.

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Often, a stroke can be life-threatening, but luckily, it can be prevented. The best way to avoid a stroke is to learn more about the causes of ischemic stroke and the things that raise the risk of it. A fatty plaque that forms in the inside of the artery can cause a blood clot to travel to the brain and block the flow of blood. Once this happens, brain cells start to die.

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Some of the leading causes of stroke are infections, inflammation, and autoimmune diseases. A clot may form in the brain and block a major artery. A temporary clot can also cause a "mini-stroke," which will not damage brain cells or permanently disable an individual. Transient ischemic attacks are a warning sign that a stroke is imminent. Even if you are not suffering from the symptoms, knowing the symptoms is vital. It can happen to anyone at anytime, and recognizing stroke symptoms will reduce the risk of long-term complications.

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There are two main types of stroke. The most common is ischemic stroke, which is caused by a clot in an artery in the brain. High blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, smoking, and other factors can cause these vessels to narrow. Another type, known as embolic stroke, is caused when a blood clot breaks free and travels to the brain. This is dangerous because it blocks the flow of blood to the brain.

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A patient may have multiple symptoms of stroke, such as difficulty speaking, or numbness. The treatment for stroke will depend on the type of stroke. If the cause of the symptoms is unknown, a brain scan can be performed in a hospital. A stroke can also be categorized as transient ischemic attack. Stroke can be life-threatening, so the treatment for stroke should begin as soon as possible. A stroke can be fatal, but with the proper treatment, a person can recover from the effects.

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