Stroke Symptoms - Act Fast to Prevent a Stroke - Oren Zarif - Fast Stroke
If you have ever been told that you have a stroke, you probably want to know what you should do right away. This article will explain what to do and what signs to look for if you suspect that you are having a stroke. By learning these signs, you can save a life. But, how can you spot them? It might seem daunting, but this information is crucial for you to protect your health. This article will cover the most common symptoms of stroke and how you can recognize them quickly.
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A quick ambulance ride to the hospital is vital. Even if your symptoms disappear within minutes, you should still call 911 and get medical help. Getting treatment for a stroke depends on the type of stroke you are experiencing. If your blood vessel is blocked or narrow, clot-busting drugs may be used. In some cases, surgery may be needed. It all depends on what you feel is the most effective treatment. Luckily, there are many options available.
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Symptoms of a stroke include difficulty speaking, double vision, and a loss of balance. A person with these symptoms may also slur their speech or appear weak. If you notice any of these signs, call 911 immediately. Stroke treatment will be much more successful if you act fast. The sooner you start treatment, the better. But even if you don't have these symptoms, a quick visit to the hospital can save your life.
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If you or a loved one has suffered from a stroke, it is imperative to get medical attention as soon as possible. As a matter of fact, 25 percent of strokes occur in people under 65 years old, and it's easy to fall victim to one. So, how do you go about preventing strokes and treating them fast? If you're at risk, follow these tips and you'll be on your way to a successful recovery.
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The lack of awareness of common stroke symptoms has a detrimental effect on pre-hospital treatment. According to a systematic review, most members of the public lack knowledge about two common symptoms. This can lead to delays in diagnosis and treatment. Often, the first contact with a stroke is made with a general practitioner. But that initial encounter is often delayed, making it difficult for the person suffering from a stroke to receive proper care. And, as a result, the "Act FAST" campaign aims to raise awareness of the need for quick action.
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Having a previous stroke increases the risk of another one. Smoking, for instance, contributes to the risk of stroke. The carbon monoxide and nicotine in cigarettes damages the cardiovascular system. Women are at greater risk of stroke than men and black people have twice the risk of dying from it than from breast cancer. Stroke is a costly disease that costs the American health system over $70 billion every year. The most common type of stroke is ischemic, while hemorrhagic strokes are rarer but account for 30% of deaths from stroke.
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FAST can help reduce the risk of stroke in both patients and witnesses. Despite the aims of the campaign, the results suggest that people do not always apply the knowledge that they gain from the campaign. This could be due to a lack of awareness and association of perceived stroke symptoms with stroke. That may lead to a delay in receiving medical treatment. So, people who have experienced a stroke are more likely to recognize the signs of stroke early.
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The symptoms of a stroke vary from one person to another, but in general, people who have had a stroke should call 111 immediately. Whether or not it's a first stroke or another, people with the symptoms should not drive themselves or take a public transport. The best way to get help for a stroke is by calling an ambulance or calling your family doctor. You should also call your doctor if you suspect a stroke - they can help you make necessary adjustments.
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Another common symptom of a stroke is difficulty speaking, walking, or even breathing. These symptoms are often difficult to detect early. If you notice any of these symptoms, call 911 right away. Strokes can leave you with lifelong disabilities. Luckily, there is good news: it is possible to recognize the signs of a stroke early. With a little bit of practice, you can help prevent a stroke from taking your life. It's important to be proactive and know what to do if you suspect someone you love has had a stroke.