Stroke Rehabilitation - Oren Zarif - Stroke Recovery
Depending on the severity of the symptoms and the level of the patient's ability to function, stroke rehabilitation can begin immediately after the hospital stay. Rehabilitation begins with assessing the patient's capabilities and developing strategies and therapies for a successful recovery. Patients may require physical therapy to help them regain strength and balance. Rehabilitation also focuses on helping patients regain control of body functions and move back to their homes. A family member can be an invaluable support during the rehabilitation process.
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In order to ensure a successful stroke rehabilitation, patients must undergo a series of physical tests. The doctors will determine the level of the patient's strength and motion, as well as their ability to perform exercises and other physical activities. A patient's physical condition is assessed by a rehabilitation specialist to determine the best treatment plan. This process can begin as early as 24 to 48 hours after the stroke. However, it is best to begin rehabilitation as soon as possible after the onset of critical symptoms.
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After the hospital stay, rehabilitation can begin. Physical and occupational therapists, speech-language pathologists, and other medical professionals may begin this process as soon as two days following the stroke. The goal of rehabilitation is to regain physical, cognitive, and vision functions. Patients will also be reintegrated back into society and minimize the risk of having another stroke in the future. In fact, research suggests that 80% of secondary strokes can be prevented with the right lifestyle changes and exercise.
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In the early stages of stroke recovery, neuroplasticity occurs quickly. As new connections are formed, stroke recovery can seem to be spontaneous. This is most likely in the first three to six months following the stroke. Intensive therapy is required to fully maximize the patient's ability to speak, move, and learn. Medical interventions, including tissue plasminogen activator, may also be necessary. It is important to note that the recovery process is different for every individual.
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Depending on the severity of the stroke and the patient's recovery progress, a stroke patient may stay in a rehab center for four to seven days after the initial stroke. Therapy during this time may consist of physical-skill exercises, mobility training, and range-of-motion training. Ultimately, physical therapy is the foundation of a stroke recovery plan and prepares a patient for daily life. Occupational therapy focuses on improving vision and thinking skills. Speech therapy focuses on the recovery of speech.
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Moreover, a person's education level influences stroke recovery. Higher education levels may be associated with better cognitive recovery compared with lower-educationed individuals. Higher education may also be a marker of cognitive reserve and a healthier lifestyle. Antidepressants may also have positive effects on stroke recovery. The findings of these studies are promising for further studies. A better understanding of the genetic factors involved in stroke recovery will enable new therapies to be developed.
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After a stroke, the brain continues to recover from the trauma. Some patients experience almost complete recovery, while others have more serious impairments that require special care. Ten percent of stroke survivors experience long-term care. A stroke recovery road will look different for each individual, but there are certain milestones along the way that most people should look for. If you're a stroke survivor, make sure you have the support of friends and family.
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In addition to physical therapy, speech and language therapists can help stroke survivors learn to speak clearly and control muscle spasms. Because strokes affect a person's thinking, memory, and speech, a stroke patient may require assistance with daily activities. This may cause problems with daily activities, including eating and completing tasks. The person may also develop behavioral changes affecting their ability to understand language and other sensory input. They may become withdrawn or outgoing, or experience mood swings or even emotional outbursts.
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Depending on the severity of the symptoms, the recovery process may take months or years to complete. During the first three months after the stroke, recovery may be the fastest and the most complete, but there may be plateaus as the stroke patient returns to home or outpatient therapy. If you're still in the midst of outpatient therapy sessions, consider the benefits of physical and occupational therapy for your recovery. If you're feeling discouraged, you can also look for ways to motivate yourself.