Stroke Rehabilitation - Oren Zarif - Stroke
There are many benefits of receiving rehabilitation after stroke. The rehabilitation process focuses on the whole person, not just the physical aspect. Cognitive and emotional activities may help the patient cope with the emotional effects of a stroke. Rehabilitation can be very helpful for those who are unable to work or return to school. Patients will probably meet with a social worker at the hospital to discuss the emotional aspects of recovery after stroke. Stroke rehabilitation programs may also involve modifying the home environment to make it safer for the patient.
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After a stroke, the person's ability to function may be impaired, particularly in areas involving speech and memory. In addition to improving speech, stroke rehabilitation can help patients regain other skills, including motor, sensory, and cognitive. Often, a stroke will leave a person with a language impairment, called aphasia. A person with aphasia will have trouble speaking in general, and may have trouble finding the right words. They may also be uncoordinated and have trouble following instructions.
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During stroke rehabilitation, a physical therapist will guide a stroke survivor through exercises that will help improve the patient's strength and flexibility. Physical therapists can help a stroke victim walk again, or teach them how to use a wheelchair or a walker to do everyday tasks. They may also use constraint-induced movement therapy, which encourages a patient to repeat a particular skill over time. For patients who have problems with their legs, treadmill work may be an excellent option.
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Aside from helping stroke survivors regain their lost skills, stroke rehabilitation can help patients prevent new problems from arising. A stroke survivor may develop new medical issues, including urinary tract infections, clots in the large veins, and pneumonia. Rehabilitation is an essential part of recovering after a stroke. The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINS) has information on stroke rehabilitation. It can include a team of therapists working together to help the stroke survivor regain the skills they had lost.
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While a patient's recovery time will be different for each individual, the basic process is the same for most patients. It begins after the critical symptoms are treated. If the patient is not severely affected, outpatient rehabilitation can begin after discharge. Long-term residents may receive rehabilitation services at a skilled nursing facility. For those who are unable to stay in a hospital, home-based therapy is an excellent option. They can also be treated at home, if the patient has mobility or safety issues.
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The team of medical professionals responsible for stroke rehabilitation includes physicians and neurologists, as well as social workers. The team may also include physical therapists, speech-language pathologists, occupational therapists, and nutritionists. Physical therapists will help patients learn new skills and move safely. Ultimately, the goal of stroke rehabilitation is to return the patient to their previous level of health. When a patient recovers, they can return to work and live independently.
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While many people assume that rehabilitation isn't a necessary component after a stroke, the truth is that two-thirds of all stroke survivors will require rehabilitation after their stroke. Rehabilitation helps stroke survivors regain their independence and quality of life. Advancements in emergency treatment can limit the brain damage from a stroke. When blood flow is interrupted to the brain, nerve cells are damaged and die. With rehabilitation, the chances of full recovery are increased.
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A physical therapist is an important part of stroke rehabilitation, which focuses on strengthening motor skills and controlling spasms. Rehabilitation programs may also be necessary for patients with more serious stroke problems. Patients may be unable to participate in intensive therapy, such as physical therapy, and still need therapy. A patient may stay in a skilled nursing facility for up to one month. This type of rehabilitation is not a substitute for inpatient treatment.
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The goal of rehabilitation after a stroke is to get the patient back to full functioning as soon as possible. Early intensive rehabilitative therapy can improve recovery. Physical therapy and occupational therapy are often started before discharge from the hospital. For some people, an intensive inpatient rehab program is the best place to start the rehabilitation process. If the patient is able to tolerate a moderate-pace exercise program, this may be the best place to begin.