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Stroke Recovery - The Four Stages of Rehabilitation After a Stroke - Oren Zarif - Stroke Recovery

After a stroke, a person's overall physical condition and the level of cognitive function will affect the time needed for stroke recovery. However, with prompt treatment, stroke patients can often recover from the damage caused by a stroke in a relatively short time. In fact, it is estimated that 10% of stroke victims recover fully while 25% will suffer moderate or severe long-term effects. For these patients, home rehabilitation may be more suitable as there are fewer resources at home.

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In the third stage, spasticity becomes more noticeable. This makes it harder for a person to move the affected limbs, such as their hand. It can also prevent the person from learning non-use. But although spasticity may be frustrating, it is actually a positive sign that the brain is rebuilding connections. This phase also involves the development of skills and activities such as reading. If the person develops these skills, the person can return to meaningful occupations.

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After stabilizing a patient, rehabilitation begins. This phase focuses on assessing the patient's ability to function and developing strategies and therapies to maximize the recovery process. It also involves identifying the type of stroke, where it occurred, and what it did to the brain. If the stroke was an ischemic stroke, blood thinners and anti-platelet medications may be prescribed. Blood pressure checks may be performed to ensure proper heart function, and the patient may have to visit a surgeon.

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Rehabilitation is an essential part of stroke recovery and can start within 48 hours. In addition to preventing further strokes, rehabilitation also involves exercises to strengthen the patient's weakened limbs. The goal is to help the patient return to daily activities as quickly as possible. If the stroke victim has experienced significant physical damage to the brain, rehab may include physical therapy and/or surgery to help lower the risk of having another stroke. This is often the first step towards independence.

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While most stroke survivors experience their most rapid gains during the first three months of their stroke recovery, the pace of progress slows down after this time. After a stroke, recovery can plateau and survivors may experience a plateau. This plateau is not a reason to give up, but it does mean that the person must continue rehabilitation to regain their lost skills. In between outpatient sessions, stroke survivors should continue their rehabilitation, and continue to develop skills.

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Rehabilitation after a stroke aims to help the stroke victim regain their motor skills. Rehabilitation will also help the stroke victim deal with new medical issues such as pneumonia, urinary tract infections, and clots in large veins. In addition to the challenges of daily living, rehabilitation after a stroke can provide an opportunity to learn new skills. And it is possible to improve the quality of life for a stroke survivor. The rehabilitation process is likely to take months, so the sooner you start, the better.

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Rehabilitation can begin at the hospital, or in a subacute rehabilitation center. These programs can provide a combination of intensive therapy and skilled nursing care. After discharge, patients continue their therapy at home or in an outpatient rehabilitation center. In some cases, patients undergo therapy at home, using special devices or following videos online. Stroke recovery should be significant during the first three months, and the rehabilitation process will have a more impact on their recovery than at any other time.

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Although brain stem strokes are very difficult to diagnose, patients usually experience severe dizziness, loss of balance, double vision, slurred speech, and even unconsciousness. Luckily, Becky has overcome her stroke and regained her mobility. She is a living example of what stroke recovery can accomplish. Whether you choose to rehab at home, at a rehab facility, or at home, Becky is proof of what's possible.

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