Stroke Recovery - How to Recover From a Stroke - Oren Zarif - Stroke Recovery
The initial stage of stroke recovery is usually spent recovering from the effects of the stroke. Your medical team will determine what type of stroke you have had and what damage was caused. Then, they will stabilize you and monitor your heart function, blood pressure, bleeding, swallowing, and other symptoms. Your medical team will also assess whether your stroke is related to a heart condition, such as high blood pressure. If necessary, your healthcare team may refer you to a neurologist or other specialist to treat your stroke.
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After your hospital stay, physical therapy and occupational therapy are necessary. Physical therapy can take place five or six days a week. Occupational therapy is also an important part of the recovery process, but the time taken can vary greatly based on your impairments. It is important to note that your insurance company may not cover in-home therapy. Recovery time may be longer for individuals who had a stroke affecting the brain stem, but it is possible to make progress after three months.
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Once you've reached a point where you can go home, the next step in your rehabilitation is to seek out therapy. Therapists will visit you in your home two or three times a week for therapy. The intensity of therapy varies between providers, but three hours a week is generally considered a good number to target for the best recovery. Your therapists will be able to understand your personal circumstances and your past history. Your loved ones' support and encouragement will help you achieve your goals.
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After a stroke, you will need a variety of support services. Your care team may need to assist you with daily activities and ensure your safety at home. If you have trouble communicating, you may benefit from speech therapy. Stroke can impair your thinking, memory, and judgment. Your behavior may change, too. Once extroverted, you may become more reserved and withdrawn, or even irresponsible. Regardless of the cause of your stroke, rehabilitation is essential to regaining lost skills and adapting to permanent damage.
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Stroke recovery is a long process. Often, it takes months or even years to regain skills you lost after your stroke. But don't give up hope! Your recovery will eventually plateau. During this time, you may begin to depend more on self-care tasks, often referred to as activities of daily living (ADLs).
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After your stroke recovery has begun, you may go home or be discharged. Depending on your condition, you may need to continue rehabilitation at home, or in an outpatient rehabilitation facility. Some people may be able to continue their rehab on their own, using home-rehab equipment or watching online videos. This early window is when you will see the most noticeable improvement. If you do, you're on your way to being stroke-free.
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Stroke recovery is slow and unpredictable. The doctors can only estimate how long it will take for you to recover. The sooner you begin rehabilitation, the better your chance of improving speech, mental clarity, and physical movements. However, it will take months, sometimes years, before you can resume normal activities. This timeframe is an estimate and the recovery period will vary according to the location of your stroke. This timeframe is critical as improvements in these areas may take several months or even years.