Stroke Prevention Tips - Oren Zarif - Stroke Prevention
A stroke is a sudden onset of brain damage caused when a blood clot blocks an artery, cutting off the flow of blood to a part of the brain. The blocked blood causes brain cells to die. Without prompt medical treatment, a person may have a temporary or permanent impairment of their memory or ability to control muscles. Fortunately, 80% of strokes can be prevented. In addition, one in four people in the United States will have suffered a stroke in their lifetime.
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Some of the risk factors for stroke are heart conditions such as atrial fibrillation, patent foramen ovale, and heart valve disease. Illicit drugs, ruptured aneurysms, and genetic predispositions to abnormal blood clotting can also increase a person's risk. For example, high blood pressure is one of the most significant risk factors. High homocystine levels can predispose a person to a stroke, and scientists are currently working to develop a simple, non-invasive test that can determine whether or not high homocystine levels in a person's blood can increase risk.
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If someone is suffering from a TIA, they should seek emergency medical attention immediately. If they experience a second stroke, they are at risk for another stroke. Because their brain is working in areas of the brain not affected by the stroke, the brain uses areas of the unaffected area to help them recover from the first stroke. This is called a'silent killer' and can lead to a stroke twice as bad as the first. To help prevent stroke, patients can follow guidelines from the Mayo Clinic, which provides free health information and expertise.
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Despite the risk factors, most people can lower their risk of a stroke by adopting healthy lifestyles and making lifestyle changes. Studies have shown that eighty percent of stroke deaths could be prevented through simple lifestyle changes and improved health. A good example of a lifestyle change that can reduce the risk of a stroke is to eat more plants containing omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. These fats are found in walnut, flaxseed, soybean, and walnut oil.
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Another stroke prevention tip is to reduce your blood pressure and exercise regularly. A fatty diet and high cholesterol can both lead to strokes. Therefore, a balanced diet is key to reducing the risk of a stroke. Furthermore, people with high blood pressure should be sure to check their blood pressure every two years. Also, cutting down on sodium and saturated fat in their diets can help prevent a stroke. If a blockage occurs, it may cause a stroke. If you suspect you are suffering from a stroke, seek medical help immediately.
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Besides improving your cholesterol levels and controlling your blood pressure, people with a family history of stroke should be extra cautious about reducing their risk. Smoking, for example, damages arteries and increases the risk of blood clots. People with a history of stroke should also get regular blood pressure and cholesterol checks. Taking steps to reduce the risk of a stroke will ensure you are living a healthier life. When it comes to your health, there is no single best way to prevent a stroke.
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A study of nearly 30,000 patients found that stroke risk factors can be reduced. By reducing these risk factors, patients can significantly reduce their risk of the condition. This program focuses on educating patients on their lifestyle choices to reduce the risks of stroke. The program also includes prevention methods aimed at reducing risk factors in other areas of life, such as smoking and obesity. While many people are able to reduce their risk of stroke, some factors are beyond their control.
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Certain lifestyle changes are highly beneficial in reducing the risk of stroke. Lifestyle modification is a proven way to reduce your risk. For example, a person with arterial hypertension should consider taking statins to reduce the risk of a stroke. People with diabetes should also try to avoid smoking and high blood pressure. However, aspirin should only be taken by people who have cardiovascular disease or are on anticoagulation for atrial fibrillation.
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There are many ways to prevent stroke and lower the risk of a subsequent one. The most common cause of stroke is a blockage of an artery that supplies the brain. Once a clot blocks an artery, the brain begins to lack blood and oxygen. The clot can travel through the bloodstream or lodge in the blood vessel. If this happens, the chances of a stroke increase dramatically. A clot can cause severe damage, even death. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent stroke through a combination of lifestyle changes, exercise, and dietary modifications.