Stroke Prevention - How to Prevent a Stroke - Oren Zarif - Stroke Prevention
People at risk for strokes usually have high blood pressure, cholesterol, and smoking habits. Some of the risk factors for stroke also include family history and other medical conditions. A physical exam can help determine the risk factor, and a worksheet included in the pamphlet can help estimate it. A strategy for lowering the risk of stroke can be developed based on the findings of the Framingham Study, which was sponsored by the National Institutes of Health (NINDS).
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After a TIA, immediate medical attention is necessary, as a second stroke is twice as bad as the first. The brain uses unaffected areas to heal itself from the first one. If a person has a second stroke, the recovery time is double that of the first. Therefore, the goal of treatment is to decrease the risk of a second stroke. While there is no cure for stroke, prevention can reduce the chances of a second one.
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In addition to exercise, a healthy diet can reduce the risk of a stroke. An unhealthy diet increases the risk of cardiovascular disease by increasing cholesterol and blood pressure. A low-fat, high-fibre diet is generally recommended. Eating a variety of healthy foods is vital, but it is best to limit processed and salty foods. Eat foods that are rich in vitamins and nutrients, such as whole grains and fruits. Avoid fast food, processed foods, and alcohol.
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A healthy lifestyle can help prevent 80% of all strokes. By reducing the risk of lifestyle changes and working with your health care provider, you can decrease your risk of a stroke by 80 percent. If you adopt these lifestyle changes, you'll lower the risk of a stroke by eating less and exercising more. And if you want to live a longer, healthier life, you'll be able to do so as well. So what are you waiting for? Start living a healthy lifestyle today.
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If you suspect you're at risk for a stroke, the first thing you should do is see a physician. Your doctor will likely tell you to stay away from alcohol, tobacco, and certain medications. If you have high blood pressure, you're at an increased risk for a stroke. High blood pressure can cause a stroke and should be addressed immediately. For more information, read this article. It will help you understand why drinking alcohol is so dangerous and how to prevent it.
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Fortunately, stroke is largely preventable. By controlling risk factors, including your diet, weight, and lifestyle, you can minimize your chance of a stroke. The program addresses the most common concerns of patients and provides resources for reducing those risks. The program is directed by Dr. Anjail Sharrief, Associate Professor of Neurology and Director of the Institute of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Disease. So, it's important to learn more about stroke prevention and make lifestyle changes as part of your health regimen.
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Among the various strategies for stroke prevention, polypill and antithrombotic therapy are the two most common. They have the same goal: to lower the risk of ischemic stroke and prevent the occurrence of a recurrent stroke. These treatments are both effective in lowering stroke risk but provide low protection against a recurrent ischemic event. This strategy also relies on the use of heart rhythm monitoring and risk estimation in primary care to detect occult atrial fibrillation.
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Transient ischemic attack, also known as a mini-stroke, is an acute interruption of blood flow to the brain. Symptoms may only last a short time, but they should be taken seriously. Symptoms of a transient ischemic attack should be considered warning signs for an impending stroke. If they don't disappear within 24 hours, the stroke is usually transient. Despite its short duration, a transient ischemic attack is a life-threatening situation.
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The main cause of stroke is blocked arteries or bleeding in blood vessels. There are several different types of stroke. The most common type is called ischemic stroke. Transient ischemic attack (TIA) does not result in any lasting symptoms. An ischemic stroke, on the other hand, is characterized by the narrowing of blood vessels in the brain. These blood vessels are caused by fatty deposits or clots that can travel through the bloodstream or lodge in arteries.