Stroke Prevention - How to Prevent a Stroke - Oren Zarif - Stroke Prevention
Although many factors can increase your risk of stroke, there are simple things you can do to lower your chances of suffering from a stroke. Some of the most important factors are lifestyle choices, such as reducing your cholesterol and blood pressure, and avoiding smoking. By following these tips, you can reduce your risk of ischemic stroke by 80 percent. Here are some of these factors:
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Limiting alcohol is also important. People who drink too much alcohol are three times more likely to suffer a stroke than people who don't drink. You should limit your alcohol consumption, and aim to have at least two days free from alcohol each week. When choosing a diet, go for fresh foods instead of processed ones. Also, cut down on sugary foods. If you are concerned about your cholesterol, you should avoid processed foods. But don't stop there. You can also reduce your stress levels by practicing these methods.
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Smoking is an important factor for stroke prevention, but antiplatelet drugs can also cause it. These medications are not suitable for patients with atrial fibrillation. Antiplatelet drugs can reduce the risk of ischemic stroke in young patients with atrial fibrillation. Aspirin and other antiplatelet agents have side effects, they should only be used when necessary. However, these drugs are not recommended for the prevention of the first stroke. If you have a history of stroke or are at risk, you should consult a doctor.
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The best way to reduce your risk of ischemic stroke is to control your risk factors and know the warning signs. The research of the NINDS has identified several stroke warning signs and a significant number of risk factors. If you notice any of these symptoms, call 911 or visit your doctor immediately. Your life could depend on it! Make sure to take action now. If you see any of these warning signs, call 911 right away and make sure your heart and brain receives adequate oxygen.
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Controlling high blood pressure is another important step in stroke prevention. It quadruples the risk of having a stroke, and the only way to control it is to control your blood pressure. Controlling high blood pressure can reduce your risk of having a stroke by nearly 50 percent. If you can keep your blood pressure below 120/80, you'll have a lower risk for a stroke. Also, avoid processed foods high in salt.
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While stroke is most prevalent in the elderly, it can occur in people of any age. It kills women more than men, and certain factors can increase the risk. Smoking, gestational diabetes, oral contraceptive use, and post-menopausal hormone therapy can increase your risk for a stroke. Also, African-Americans and those who smoke are more susceptible to stroke. Stroke is more common in people with a family history of the disease.
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Although there are no specific symptoms that signal a stroke, you should seek immediate medical attention if you think you might have had a TIA. TIAs are more severe than strokes, and a second TIA can be twice as severe. It is important to reduce the risk of a second stroke, as a second stroke can be twice as damaging as the first one. If you have a TIA, it's important to get immediate medical attention and take steps to prevent a stroke.
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Another type of stroke is called transient ischemic attack (TIA). This is a brief episode of neurological dysfunction triggered by ischemia to the brain, spinal cord, or retina. Most cases of transient ischemic attack resolve within 24 hours, although some people have symptoms that continue for more than that. If it persists longer, it is considered a stroke. This type of TIA is a warning sign for future strokes and should be treated as such.
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While a stroke is preventable, many risk factors are modifiable. For example, a diet rich in vegetables, smoking, and low-fat diet are modifiable, and lifestyle changes are also helpful. Aspirin isn't safe for healthy people, and statins are only used for people with high blood pressure or atrial fibrillation. Despite the high prevalence of stroke, prevention efforts can lower your risk by reducing risk factors like arterial hypertension, smoking, and comorbid conditions.
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Another risk factor for stroke is an enlarged heart chamber or coronary artery. These factors can cause blood clots that clog up arteries in the brain. A heart problem called atrial fibrillation is one of the most common causes of stroke in the elderly. It is associated with higher mortality rates and disability. Another risk factor is atherosclerosis, the most common cause of blood vessel disease. Hypertension promotes atherosclerosis, which blocks blood flow and causes a blockage in a brain artery. Some medications can prevent blood clots, including aspirin and low-calorie diets.