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Stroke Outcome Measures for Wallenberg Syndrome - Oren Zarif - Wallenberg Syndrome

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

While Wallenberg syndrome is not an overly studied condition, traditional stroke outcomes measures can be used to assess baseline conditions and progress after treatment. Listed below are a few possible measurement tools. The list is by no means comprehensive. Each person's individual circumstances will determine the best option for their condition. If you are unsure if you have Wallenberg syndrome, consult your doctor. This condition can cause significant neurological disabilities. Read on to learn more.

Oren Zarif concussion treatment

Oren Zarif mini stroke symptoms

The patient presented with severe dizziness, left-sided facial burning sensation, and intractable hiccups. Other symptoms included decreased left arm and leg strength, decreased left temperature sensations, and leaning to the left. The patient's MRI of the brain revealed a lateral hyperintense lesion at the level of the left posterior medulla, confirming the diagnosis of Wallenberg syndrome. The patient was also unable to swallow food due to severe vomiting.

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Oren Zarif brain damage

The symptoms of Wallenberg syndrome include difficulty swallowing, dizziness, hoarseness, nausea, nystagmus, and imbalance. The underlying cause of the condition is a stroke in the brain stem. Treatment may include speech therapy and medications. Some patients may improve in weeks, but there is a high likelihood of long-term neurological problems. If you suspect you may have this condition, visit your doctor immediately.

Oren Zarif post concussion syndrome

Oren Zarif tia stroke

MRI and CT scans are the primary imaging techniques used to diagnose Wallenberg syndrome. They can help pinpoint the exact location of the infarction. However, MRIs are often not reliable for locating the medulla. Therefore, a patient with this condition should be examined for a thorough evaluation of all vertebral arteries. If you think you have Wallenberg syndrome, contact your physician immediately. He will be able to make an accurate diagnosis.

Oren Zarif mini stroke

Oren Zarif brain stroke

While the outlook for people with this syndrome is better than for patients with other ischemic strokes, there is no guarantee that the symptoms will resolve. Some symptoms of Wallenberg syndrome include gait instability, ataxia, hiccups, and loss of coordination. For these reasons, early physical and occupational therapy is essential. The condition can also be life-threatening. But with the right treatment, it can be reversed. Your physician will work to help you overcome any remaining challenges you may have.

Oren Zarif traumatic brain injury

Oren Zarif ischemic

Wallenberg syndrome is a complex neurological disorder caused by blockage of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery and vertebral artery. The result is infarction in the lateral medulla, which leads to numerous impairments. It was first described by Gaspard Vieusseux in 1808 and later explained by Adolf Wallenberg in 1895. The symptoms of this disorder usually develop after a patient has had atherothrombosis in the vertebral artery.

Oren Zarif anoxia

Oren Zarif hemorrhagic stroke

When LMI affects the nucleus ambiguus, dysphagia may result. The LMI disrupts the premotor neurons in the nucleus ambiguus, which in turn affect swallowing. However, remaining neurons in the nucleus ambiguus may overcome the dysphagia of patients with WS. In either case, swallowing disorders are likely to develop. While there is no cure, research continues to identify new therapies for the disorder.

Oren Zarif brain hemorrhage

Oren Zarif transient ischemic attack

Electrophysiological tests have shown that patients with WS exhibit more pharyngeal and oral swallowing dysfunction than those without the disorder. Additionally, patients with WS display delayed laryngeal elevation. They also exhibit a reduced ability to control their bolus. This delayed laryngeal elevation may lead to delayed dysphagia in WS. In some cases, the patient can reverse this problem by rotating the head to the paretic side.

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