Stroke - Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments - Oren Zarif - Stroke
A stroke causes brain cells in the affected area to die. Once they stop functioning, the patient may not be able to feel pain, temperature, or other sensations. These changes can affect one's ability to walk, speak, eat, and socialise. Symptoms may also include blurred, blackened, or double vision. After a stroke, a patient may require help from specialists, including a physical therapist or occupational therapist.
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Among the most common types of stroke, ischemic stroke is caused by an embolism that blocks an artery and prevents blood from reaching part of the brain. Because of the lack of oxygen, brain cells begin to die. Thankfully, with prompt medical intervention, the damage to the brain can be reduced. As a result, fewer Americans die from stroke each year. And, today, effective treatments have made it possible to prevent stroke and reduce the disability it causes.
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The American Heart Association and American Stroke Association re-evaluated the definition of stroke to include transient ischemic attack. The new definition was influenced by a wide range of clinical practices and assessments of public health. The revised definition builds upon a new tissue definition of TIA and harmonizes with the existing definition of ischemic stroke. Additional AHA statements are needed to improve the consistency of stroke subtype classifications and severity.
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The causes of stroke are many, and some factors increase the risk of a subsequent event. People with heart conditions, a history of stroke, or genetics may be at increased risk. The occurrence of stroke is more common in the southern U.S., though this may be due to climate and regional differences. People living in low-income areas may also be at an increased risk for stroke. In addition to genetics, stroke risk is higher for people with lower blood pressure.
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There are several tests available for diagnosing stroke, including CT scans. These tests use powerful magnetic fields and radio frequency pulses to make detailed pictures of internal body structures. CT scans can help doctors determine the cause of a stroke by detecting blood clots in the brain. Patients who receive tPA within three or four hours of a stroke's symptoms are more likely to recover than those who do not. There are also several treatments available for stroke.
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The symptoms of stroke vary between men and women. Some people may experience only a partial stroke and have no symptoms. TIAs may occur in as little as five minutes or last as several hours. If left untreated, a stroke can lead to permanent disability. However, TIA symptoms may be caused by other problems. In these cases, a patient should seek emergency medical attention as soon as possible. A doctor should be able to tell the difference between a TIA and a stroke.
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The most common cause of stroke is a blood clot in the brain. When this happens, brain cells cannot receive oxygen and nutrients and begin to die. Within minutes, a stroke can cause life-threatening brain damage and lead to permanent disability. Fortunately, there are a number of treatments for stroke. If detected early enough, a patient can still survive the stroke and resume a normal lifestyle. But there are a few important things to remember about this condition.
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A person can develop a stroke from several causes. While most strokes are caused by a blockage in a blood vessel, other types are caused by bleeding into brain tissue when a blood vessel bursts. Depending on the type of stroke, it can cause permanent damage or even death. The type of stroke a patient has is important because a patient may not survive more than one stroke, so immediate medical attention is essential to preventing a devastating outcome.
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Many lifestyle changes can reduce a person's risk of stroke. For instance, a person can choose to avoid smoking or drinking alcohol, which both increase blood pressure and increase stroke risk. If quitting smoking is not possible, they can seek help from a medical professional. Heavy alcohol consumption can also increase a person's risk of a stroke. For individuals who cannot quit alcohol, they can consider antiplatelet medication or other medicines.
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The most common risk factor for a stroke is high blood pressure, which can damage the blood vessels and cause long-term heart damage. A person can also have damaged heart valves, which increases the risk of stroke. In fact, people with a history of stroke are 50% more likely to develop a stroke than those without a history of the disease. A person's ethnic group is also a risk factor for stroke, with African-Americans having a higher risk than Caucasians. Other risk factors include smoking, high blood cholesterol, and uncontrolled high blood pressure.