Spinal Stroke Treatment - Oren Zarif - Spinal Stroke
The treatment for a spinal stroke varies depending on the underlying cause of the condition. If the stroke was ischemic, blood thinners or antiplatelet drugs (such as aspirin) will be prescribed. Other medications may be prescribed to manage symptoms or risk factors for another stroke. Rehabilitation may be necessary if paralysis is a result of the stroke. For example, physical therapy can help restore range of motion. Some stroke patients are able to stand up on their own within three to four years.
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After a spinal stroke, the patient is usually unable to speak or walk. The most common symptoms are difficulty swallowing, numbness, weakness, and tremor. A cardiologist will first order blood tests to determine if there are any other underlying conditions. Then, they may prescribe antiplatelet and anticoagulant medications. These medications may help prevent blood clots. The goal is to reduce the ischemia.
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A blood clot may block the artery supplying the spinal cord. This blood clot may form anywhere in the body and travel through the bloodstream before splintering the spinal cord. This ischemic type of stroke is rare and far less common than strokes of the brain. The spinal cord is part of the central nervous system, and nerve impulses from the brain to control the movements and organ functions. When blood flow to the spinal cord is interrupted, a clot may form in the artery, resulting in a stroke.
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A severe spinal stroke can cause paralysis. Because the spinal cord is primarily responsible for communicating with various parts of the body, it can be life-threatening. Severe spinal strokes may even lead to death. Although spinal strokes are much less common than ischemic strokes, the two conditions are similar. You should consult a doctor immediately if you suspect a stroke or are concerned about a possible diagnosis. The sooner you seek treatment, the sooner your recovery will begin.
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While the signs and symptoms of a spinal stroke are often vague, an MRI scan may be necessary to confirm the diagnosis. MRI scans are helpful for locating blockages and can show where blood vessels are blocked. If you suspect a stroke, your doctor will prescribe medication aimed at alleviating the symptoms, as well as ensuring that you don't develop another condition that may damage your spinal cord. This is the most important way to determine the cause of a spinal stroke and begin treatment.
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While the treatment for a dog's FCE depends on the severity of the condition, a large part of the recovery process involves rehabilitation. During rehabilitation, veterinarians focus on reducing inflammation and minimizing pain in the affected limb. The first two weeks after a spinal stroke will be critical for your pet's recovery. A spinal stroke can be life-threatening, so be sure to seek help quickly. Your veterinarian will be able to prescribe the best medication for your dog.
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Spontaneous spinal strokes are rare. The majority of cases occur as a result of aortic aneurysms, general surgery, or any combination of the above. But there are a small number of cases where patients don't have any of these conditions prior to experiencing a stroke. If you have a stroke, your doctor will be able to decide on an appropriate treatment plan for your situation. This will determine how long the patient has to live.
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The first symptoms of a spinal cord infarction include sensory loss, muscle weakness, and a tightness radiating circumferentially. This syndrome affects the anterior spinal artery, while the posterior columns conduct vibration and position sensation. In small infarcts, sensory loss is relatively sparse. Some neurologic deficits may resolve after the first few days. And although there is no cure for spinal stroke, treatment will help the patient recover.
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The most important question to ask yourself after a stroke is whether the condition will prevent you from working. Fortunately, patients with spinal cord infarction are more likely to return to their jobs than their counterparts with cerebral infarction. But the time to return to the workforce is much longer than if you have had a cerebral infarction. It may take some time for you to return to your former job, but in the end you'll be glad you were able to get back to it.