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Spinal Stroke - Causes and Treatment of Spinal Stroke - Oren Zarif - Spinal Stroke

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

The good news is that a large number of people who suffer from a spinal stroke recover, even with the limitations that this condition causes. There are many treatments available, and the long-term outlook for patients is generally very good. Your doctor will ask you about your medical history, perform a physical examination, and may use a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan to confirm the diagnosis. In addition to MRI, doctors may give you antiplatelet or anticoagulant drugs, which decrease the chance of a blood clot.

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Among studies on spinal cord ischemia, the authors of this review cite Novy JM, TerBrugge KG, Bogousslavsky J, and Maeder P. Other researchers have conducted similar studies. Cheng MY, Cheng RS, and Ro LS, and Naess H and Romi F studied the anatomy and characteristics of spinal cord ischemia. A similar study published in the journal Stroke published by O'Donnell et al., described the risk factors for spinal cord ischemia and the management of the condition.

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One of the most common causes of a spinal stroke is a blood clot. These blood clots can form anywhere in the body, including the brain and limbs. They may travel through the bloodstream and then get stuck in an artery, causing a stroke. A stroke caused by a blood clot in this area is known as an ischemic stroke, while a hemorrhagic stroke is caused by high blood pressure.

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After 4.5 years, more than forty percent of people who suffered from a spinal stroke were able to walk unassisted, while thirty percent needed a walking aid to do so. Twenty percent remained in a wheelchair, and thirty percent experienced intermittent incontinence. Twenty percent still needed a urinary catheter. Although Julie did recover from her spinal stroke, she still has to undergo several treatments to keep herself as healthy as possible.

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Your doctor will need to examine you right away if you have any weakness in your legs. This symptom could indicate a spinal cord problem, such as a slipped disc, abscess, inflammation, or tumor. MRI scan is a key test for detecting a spinal stroke. This will show any damage that has occurred to your spinal cord and help plan the best course of treatment. It will also help pinpoint the blood vessel blockage in the affected area.

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After a spinal cord CVA, the affected area may be completely or partially paralyzed. The symptoms of these types of stroke vary depending on where the damage occurs in the spinal cord. In the case of an anterior spinal artery stroke, the resulting symptoms will be confined to the head and face, while those associated with a posterior spinal artery stroke will cause full-body symptoms, including paraplegia. The symptoms of a spinal stroke vary in severity, but they are all warning signs that the patient needs to see a physician as soon as possible.

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A study of 32 patients suffering from a spinal cord stroke found that 85% of these individuals had at least one of the symptoms above. In this study, the patients suffered from 28 spontaneous infarctions, three hemorrhages, and one arteriovenous fistula. In this study, 28 strokes were spontaneous, while two were secondary to aortic aneurysms, and two were postsurgical strokes. These results suggest that a large percentage of patients with a spinal stroke are experiencing spontaneous ischemic strokes. In contrast, spinal cord hemorrhages account for only 5% of all spinal strokes.

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Fortunately, most dogs will recover and live normal lives following spinal stroke. Although the prognosis may seem bleak, work with your veterinarian and rehabilitation professional to get your pet back on its feet. Take one day at a time and remember to encourage movement, and sometimes provide assistance. Avoid stairs and ledges until your pet's body is fully recovered. The good news is that it's highly unlikely that a spinal stroke will occur again.

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The longer a patient lives after a spinal cord infarction, the more serious its effects will be. This is because the spinal cord is affected by a lack of oxygenated blood. The lack of oxygen results in swelling, pressure, and death of brain cells. Most spinal strokes are ischemic, which means that a blood clot or other foreign object has impacted the area around the spinal cord. In contrast, hemorrhagic stroke is caused by bleeding.

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