Silent Stroke Symptoms - Oren Zarif - Silent Stroke Symptoms
Having a silent stroke may be a completely unexpected and elusive event for many people. If you experience numbness or drooping face, difficulty speaking or swallowing, or double or blurred vision, it's a good idea to seek emergency medical attention. Silent stroke symptoms may also cause confusion or difficulty thinking clearly. However, there are certain signs that indicate a stroke. Here are some of the most common symptoms of silent stroke.
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Sudden fatigue is a typical silent stroke symptom. If you haven't noticed sudden fatigue for a few days, you might chalk it up to being tired. You might also ignore some other symptoms associated with stroke. If you experience fatigue for no apparent reason, pay attention to your body's warning signs. Another silent stroke symptom is tremors, or uncontrollable shaking of one part of the body. This can be scary, but it's important to seek immediate medical care.
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While typical ischemic stroke symptoms include memory loss, weakness, and difficulty speaking, a silent stroke is more common and difficult to identify. It can occur when a blockage in a smaller artery feeds the brain. Silent strokes often result in damage to parts of the brain that are not crucial to daily functioning. The damage caused by a silent stroke is often minor and won't be noticed by a patient. This type of stroke may also result in random memory lapses, which most people mistakenly believe to be age-related.
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A silent stroke often comes with no symptoms. However, a complete medical history should reveal signs of imbalance in a limb. Then, an abnormal brain scan should prompt further evaluation of risk factors. These include high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, and other conditions. Additionally, if you have atrial fibrillation, this condition can cause the development of a stroke. You should seek immediate medical care if you are experiencing any of these silent stroke symptoms.
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Despite the fact that silent stroke symptoms may be silent, they are still dangerous. Having a healthy diet and normal blood pressure will help reduce your risk of silent stroke. Additionally, moderate exercise will reduce the risk of stroke by 40 percent. In addition, eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables will help lower your risk. And, if you are a smoker, try to quit. The risks of stroke can be reduced by quitting smoking or adopting a healthier lifestyle.
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Another silent stroke symptom is difficulty speaking. This symptom may go unnoticed by other people, making it impossible to understand the person. The stroke victim's speech may become slurred or hard to understand, and the time is critical. If you suspect that someone is having a stroke, contact emergency medical services or visit the nearest hospital. It's best to seek immediate medical care before any further complications occur. In the event of a stroke, there are many ways to help a person recover from the ailment.
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If these symptoms don't come with any other obvious signs of a stroke, the best way to get help is by learning about the other signs and symptoms of a stroke. A sudden change in facial appearance can also be a sign of a stroke, such as drooping of one side of the face, which becomes more obvious when the person speaks. Arm and leg weakness may be signs of a stroke. This is not a complete list of symptoms of a stroke, but knowing these can help you receive care faster.
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People with high blood pressure should practice yoga or meditation to lower their blood pressure. Avoid alcohol and sugar and reduce salt in your diet. This will lower your blood pressure and prevent stroke symptoms from occurring. Even though the symptoms of a stroke may be more subtle, it's crucial to seek immediate medical attention. You might not know you're at risk until you're told. There's a good chance that you're suffering from a stroke, but it's worth pursuing medical attention just in case.
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Mini-strokes are another symptom of a stroke. These are relatively rare, and they may only last 24 hours. Despite these warning signs, they can lead to more serious complications in the future. Fortunately, mini-strokes are not life-threatening and do not require immediate medical attention. They may be associated with further TIAs, so seeking medical attention is essential. Remember to call 911 even if you're feeling well despite the symptoms.