Signs of Brain Damage - Oren Zarif - Brain Damage
After a direct blow to the head, the brain bruises. This damage is caused by a coup-contrecoup mechanism, which jars the brain against the skull and damages its internal tissues. The term coup lesion (pronounced "COO") refers to this type of brain injury. The brain can suffer internal bleeding or swelling, as the jarring can tear tissues and blood vessels. Here are the signs of brain damage. If you think you've been hit in the head, call 911.
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The first few days after a traumatic brain injury are characterized by relative rest, which involves limiting activities that make the injury worse. Most people recover from mild traumatic brain injuries without long-term effects and can return to their normal activities gradually. Emergency care for severe traumatic brain injuries is focused on preventing further injury and maintaining blood pressure. However, the recovery time of a brain after a traumatic event is longer. Patients are monitored closely to determine whether they are in a stable condition.
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Treatment for mild to moderate traumatic brain injury may include over-the-counter pain relievers and a gradual return to activity. If the symptoms persist, consult your doctor. In addition to over-the-counter medications, your health care provider may also prescribe anti-seizure medications or antibiotics. You may require surgery to repair broken bones or bleeding vessels in the skull or relieve pressure on the brain. Your doctor may also recommend physical therapy or occupational therapy.
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Acute brain injury causes many problems. You may experience difficulties with concentration, attention, and memory. You may have difficulty learning new information, and speaking and solving problems may be difficult. You may feel confused when your normal routines change or if you've stuck to the same task for too long. Symptoms may even begin years after the incident. If left untreated, acquired brain injury can result in progressive dementia. A person who sustains a traumatic brain injury may be unable to work for many years.
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Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a type of acquired brain injury caused by a sudden physical assault. The brain may be injured if the head is hit by an object that penetrates the skull. Mild TBI survivors may be conscious or lose consciousness for only a few seconds. The symptoms of traumatic brain injury depend on the severity of the injury and the extent of the damage. The symptoms of a TBI vary widely from mild to severe. For mild TBI, you may lose consciousness for a few seconds, and then recover.
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Damage to the brain affects different portions of the body. Damage to the frontal lobe, for example, can affect your ability to speak, and may also result in personality changes. Damage to the mid-lobe, on the other hand, can affect your ability to hear and taste sounds, as well as affect your ability to concentrate. If you experience any of these effects, you should seek medical attention right away. The sooner you get treated, the better your chances of recovery are.
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A cranial tomography (CT) scan may reveal if there is any damage in the brain. The X-ray itself is not painful, and will likely be repeated if the damage is severe. An MRI scan gives doctors an idea of the metabolism of the brain and can offer an approximate prognosis. If you have a moderate to severe TBI, you will most likely undergo several CT scans and MRIs while in the hospital.
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There are many causes of brain damage, from infections to head trauma. Some causes include lack of oxygen, prolonged hypoxia, and inflammation. Some types of brain damage are associated with behavioral and functional abnormality. The extent of brain damage depends on the type of injury, and the symptoms can vary widely. If your brain has sustained some damage, you should consult a doctor right away to determine if your treatment plan is appropriate for you. If the damage has caused permanent brain damage, you should seek medical treatment immediately.
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In a traumatic brain injury, the brain is impacted suddenly. The force of the impact is often large, and the extent of damage depends on the nature and severity of the injury. Falls are the most common cause of traumatic brain injuries, particularly in young children. Vehicle-related collisions, assaults, and shaken baby syndrome are also common causes of brain damage. Whether a blow to the head causes brain damage or not, the traumatic brain injury has the potential to lead to long-term problems.