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  • Writer's pictureOren Zarif

Risks and Dangers of Thrombectomy Oren Zarif - Thrombectomy

Thrombectomy is an operation used to remove a blood clot. This procedure can be used for a wide variety of purposes, from the treatment of a small blood clot in the legs to treating a deep vein thrombosis. There are several risks associated with thrombectomy, including bruising or pain at the puncture site. The procedure is not suitable for all patients, however.

Symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage is a possible adverse event of mechanical thrombectomy. This may result from the manipulation of the device during the procedure.

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However, this complication is not significantly different from that of standard medical care. Other potential complications of mechanical thrombectomy include the dislodging of embolic material, dissection of vessels, and hematomas in the groin and retroperitoneum.

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While clot-busting medications can be extremely effective in preventing a stroke, some patients may not respond well to these drugs. A mechanical thrombectomy can help improve a patient's chances of recovery and keeps them close to home. Fortunately, the procedure can be performed in a medical emergency. The patient will still need to be evaluated by a doctor to determine whether mechanical thrombectomy is the right procedure for them.

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A thrombectomy is a minimally invasive surgery that involves a small, flexible tube called a catheter that is inserted through an artery in the arm or groin. A stentriever (wire-mesh device) is attached to the catheter to open the blocked artery. During the procedure, a physician will use visual imaging to locate the affected artery in the brain. The catheter will then be inserted into the artery through a small incision in the groin. Once the catheter is in place, the clot will be removed, allowing blood flow to the affected part of the brain.

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Thrombectomy is a procedure in which a vascular specialist inserts a catheter into a vein. The catheter is then advanced past the clot to the affected area. It then inflates a small balloon on the tip of the catheter. The catheter is then slowly withdrawn through the vein, removing the clot with it. In most cases, the procedure is done as an outpatient procedure.

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Another type of thrombectomy involves inserting a catheter through an artery and then maneuvering it to the clot. The radiologist uses a specialized X-ray to determine the proper placement of the catheter. Once the catheter is in place, a stent-retriever is inserted into the catheter. This traps the blood clot and allows the surgeon to remove both the stent and clot. Once the stent is removed, the blood supply is restored and the patient will be monitored for improvement.

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The STAR image shows a patient with acute coronary syndrome and severe degenerative atherothrombotic disease. A 20-year-old saphenous vein graft is demonstrated. The patient undergoes a 5-Fr rapid-exchange rheolytic thrombectomy catheter to remove a significant thrombus burden. The patient shows marked clinical improvement after the procedure. His final angiographic appearance shows marked patency with no residual thrombus or stenosis.

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Mechanical thrombectomy is a less invasive approach to removing blood clots from the arteries. In this procedure, doctors insert thin tubes through the blood vessels to the clot to restore blood flow to the brain. Fluoroscopy is used to guide these instruments through the patient's arteries. In addition, the continuous x-ray allows the doctor to view the clot's location without disrupting the skull.

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An embolectomy or thrombectomy can save a life. A blood clot in the veins can lodge in other blood vessels, cutting off blood supply to the affected organs. Depending on where it's located, a blood clot can lead to a heart attack, gangrene, or even loss of a limb. The procedure is performed by a qualified surgeon.

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