Risks and Benefits of Thrombectomy Oren Zarif - Thrombectomy
If you or a loved one is considering a thrombectomy, you should know the risks and benefits of this procedure. In most cases, thrombectomy will increase your chance of recovery and mobility. However, the procedure is not suited for everyone. Only eight out of 20 patients benefit from it. A major risk of thrombectomy is the use of a contrast agent that can cause an allergic reaction or permanently damage your kidney function.
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A thrombectomy is typically used to treat a patient who has suffered a stroke because of a blood clot. A blood clot forms when a piece of blood thickens and becomes a clog in an artery. When the blockage occurs, the flow of blood to the brain is diminished, which may cause damage to nearby tissues. In addition, plaque can form in other parts of the body, including the arteries. This can also lead to blockage of smaller blood vessels, leading to heart attacks and stroke. While thrombectomy can improve your chances of recovering from a stroke, the procedure does not prevent clot formation.
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Thrombectomy is a surgical procedure that involves a small incision in a blood vessel. This is done to remove the clot, repair the vessel, and restore the blood flow. In some cases, a balloon can be inserted to keep the blood vessel open and prevent further clots. If your clot is large and is causing you pain, a surgical thrombectomy may be the best option.
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In a thrombectomy, a thin plastic tube is inserted into a blood vessel, usually a groin artery. This catheter is inserted with a contrast agent to allow the doctor to visualize the affected blood vessel on X-ray images. A device is then moved through the catheter to remove the clot, restoring blood flow to the affected part of the brain. This procedure is minimally invasive, and your relative will be with you throughout.
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A general anesthesia is used for a thrombectomy. General anesthesia is a combination of medications and gases that put you into a deep sleep. General anesthesia allows the doctor to safely perform the procedure without pain. A general anesthesia allows for the doctor to remove the clot from a blood vessel. It is not unusual for a patient to have a high platelet count at the time of surgery.
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If you are considering having a thrombectomy, your doctor will discuss the risks and benefits of the procedure. You may experience low-grade fever for a few days. It is not indicative of surgical infection, but you should follow the instructions of your healthcare provider. If you smoke, it may slow healing, so stop now. You will also want to avoid eating anything after midnight the night before the procedure. Your physician will prescribe you with painkillers.
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The earliest version of the catheter-based thrombectomy systems was used for acute coronary revascularization in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction. This procedure declined rapidly after large clinical trials showed no benefit, but it has recently gained popularity in other areas. The newest version of thrombectomy includes pharmaco-mechanical thrombolysis. This method involves a catheter-directed infusion port and is associated with a lower risk of distal embolization and shorter hospital stays.
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There are three main types of thrombectomy: invasive, endovascular and stent-based. Both techniques have their own risks. Patients should have an understanding of the risks and benefits of thrombectomy before choosing a procedure. One option involves a small incision in the groin or abdomen. A small catheter is advanced through the artery to the clot. A stent-retriever is then inserted into the catheter, trapping the clot and restoring normal blood flow.
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While an invasive thrombectomy may not be suitable for some people, it can save a life. It removes a blood clot under image guidance. These procedures are often performed for acute MI and pulmonary embolism. A thrombectomy procedure involves various catheter-based techniques, including direct aspiration and stent-retrieval. The aim of thrombectomy is to reduce the chances of another heart attack or stroke.