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Recurrent Cancer Symptoms - Oren Zarif - Recurrent Cancer

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

Recurrent Cancer is the result of a cancer that has returned after the initial diagnosis. When a person experiences a recurrence of cancer, the diagnosis may be more frightening and upsetting than the first. To help them cope, they can talk to their doctors and health care team about the different symptoms they have been experiencing. For most people, they will experience similar feelings, including shock, disbelief, anger, and fear. These are natural reactions to a difficult situation. They should also discuss any new symptoms or health issues since the initial cancer diagnosis.

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People diagnosed with recurrent cancer may be given the same first-line chemotherapy they had previously received. However, these cancer treatments may not be as effective as those for the primary cancer, so doctors may recommend a different regimen or participate in clinical trials. For further information, read about the treatments available for recurrent cancer. Here are some of the most common recurrent cancer symptoms and treatments:

Patients with recurrent breast cancer should see their doctors as soon as possible.

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Recurrences can occur in the same or opposite breast or in other parts of the body. Treatment of a recurrence depends on the stage of the original cancer and the type of tumor. A successful treatment will help eliminate or control the cancer. A doctor may also recommend a mastectomy or other treatment, depending on the type of recurrence.

Recurrent cancer symptoms are similar to those of a recurrence of the original cancer, but can occur anywhere in the body. The cancer may return in the same place as the original or in a different location. Recurrences of cancer in the same area are known as local recurrence. Recurrences in the lymph nodes near the original cancer site are called regional recurrences.

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A recurrence of cancer in the same region can be regional or distant. Regional recurrence may be local, where a lump is found near the lymph nodes, and distant recurrences occur in different parts of the body. Other symptoms of recurrence include bone pain, fatigue, or weight loss. If you notice any of these symptoms, you should schedule regular checkups with your doctor to help find the source of the symptoms.

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Recurrent cancer occurs when a treatment did not completely destroy all of the cancer cells. A number of cancer cells survived, and were too small to be detected during follow-up tests. These cells then grew to form a tumor or cancer. This is called second primary cancer. Recurrent cancer is a type of secondary cancer, and the primary cancer can occur elsewhere in the body. In systemic cancer, recurrence may occur in the lymph nodes, lungs, adrenal glands, bone marrow, and liver.

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Recurrent cancer symptoms may include a change in the tumor's status. The term "progressive" is commonly used in clinical trials, and a tumor has reached a 25% measured growth. However, the exact percentage can vary, and doctors may use different terminology. It is important to seek medical advice for recurrent cancer symptoms as this can indicate a change in the cancer's treatment. In this case, doctors may decide to reschedule the patient to make sure a recurrence of cancer is unlikely.

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Patients who have recurrent cancer typically exhibit several distressing symptoms. They may experience anorexia, lack of energy, and dyspnea. The Lung Cancer Symptom Scale is designed to measure the average number of symptoms a patient experiences at disease presentation and one year after treatment. Symptom distress often persists for 36 to 52 weeks after the last treatment, and gradually diminishes until a year has passed.

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Surveillance for recurrent cancer includes blood tests and imaging tests. The American Cancer Society recommends that patients with enlarged lymph nodes have them removed. After removal, a patient may undergo radiation therapy or systemic treatment. Complementary therapies may also be helpful. While they cannot cure breast cancer, complementary therapies may alleviate symptoms and reduce the severity of the disease. In the meantime, patients with recurrent cancer should continue their current medical treatment.

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Most patients with recurrent cancer do not seek help until a symptom-free period has passed. However, waiting longer is not uncommon, especially for those who have not seen a doctor yet. For this reason, they are encouraged to complete a standardized symptom questionnaire. In addition to assessing their symptoms, they should also ask their families' medical history. By doing so, they can understand the impact of each symptom on their quality of life and the quality of their life.

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