Recurrent Cancer Symptoms - Oren Zarif - Recurrent Cancer
Recurrent cancer is another common occurrence for cancer survivors. It usually starts as a cancer cell that was not completely destroyed in the initial cancer treatment. This is characterized by a small number of cancer cells that survived the treatment and didn't show up on follow-up tests. These cancer cells then grew and developed into a new type of cancer known as second primary cancer. There are two types of recurrent cancer: local and distant. Imaging scans, lab tests, and biopsies can identify recurrent cancer.
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During treatment, recurrent cancer symptoms may occur. Cancer may return in different places, including in lymph nodes near the original site. However, if the recurrence is local, the cancer will recur in the same area. Similarly, a distant recurrence may occur in the brain or bones. In either case, the cancer care team will discuss the symptoms and the treatment options to help the patient manage a recurrence.
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Recurrent cancer may return several months or years after the initial diagnosis. The lingering cancer cells may remain dormant for years and suddenly multiply and cause another outbreak. The recurrence may occur in the same area where the first cancer was, in the opposite breast, or in a distant part of the body. Understanding the reason behind the recurrence helps patients make appropriate health decisions. Sometimes, recurrences occur in distant areas such as the bone, brain, or liver.
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Whether the recurrence is local or distant, it is important to understand your options and discuss your condition with your doctor. Depending on the type of cancer you have, you may be able to receive one or more treatments. Your doctor may suggest mammogram or ultrasound scan to determine if the cancer has spread. A locally advanced recurrence of breast cancer means the cancer has spread to areas near the breast, but has not spread to other parts of the body.
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A recent study of colon cancer patients in Sweden revealed that the risk of recurrence was only five percent for stage one, 12 percent for stage two, and 33 percent for stage three. The rates of recurrence for other types of cancer are far higher: glioblastoma, for example, has a near 100 percent recurrence rate, and epithelial ovarian cancer is 85 percent likely to recur.
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Recurrent cancer patients may experience self-doubt over their treatment decisions, but remember that they made the right decision based on the best information available at the time. A good way to boost your spirits is to show up to the doctor's office and ask what you can do to help. You might even be surprised to learn that someone has gone through the same thing and was cured. If this happens, you may want to consider joining a support group or online community for cancer survivors.
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Breast cancer survivors should avoid self-isolation or pill-popping. It's natural to be sad, angry, and confused, but you should not numb yourself with pills. Instead, embrace your feelings and talk with friends and family. If you have a breast cancer recurrence, you should seek treatment for this as soon as possible. If you notice any signs of recurrence, consult your doctor right away and seek treatment.
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The study included interviews with ninety-four people with a median age of fifty-two. It found that only 10% of people seeking help for recurrent symptoms were diagnosed with cancer. The majority of respondents reported gastrointestinal, urinary, or respiratory symptoms. A shocking 42% of people reported not seeing a doctor for three months after their initial diagnosis. Many reported that they waited until their symptoms recurred before they finally sought treatment. This may have been due to reassurance from a previous non-cancer diagnosis. Others worried about their appearance when they returned to their doctor.
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As you can see, cancer treatment involves several methods. The first step involves preventing or limiting recurrence. Several forms of cancer have been linked with obesity and high-fat diets. In order to lower your risk of developing a second cancer, you need to restrict your fat consumption and avoid refined grains, sugars, and alcohol. Eating more fruits and vegetables is another essential step. You should also make sure to include a sufficient amount of fiber in your diet. Furthermore, you should be physically active. Ask your doctor about appropriate physical activities. Exercising improves your physical condition, relieves anxiety, and builds self-esteem.
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Recurring cancer is another symptom of stage IV. This type of cancer has spread to other parts of the body, such as the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and pelvic lymph nodes. In some cases, it may spread to the brain, bowels, or lymph nodes. In most cases, chemotherapy is the most common treatment for cancer. Chemotherapy works by causing cancer cells to die off in their rapidly-dividing stages.