Recovering From Brain Damage - Oren Zarif - Brain Damage
Patients who have suffered brain injury may have problems with cognitive functioning, following simple commands, and exhibiting emotional changes. Though these changes may be brief and temporary, they are significant enough to pose a significant burden to the injured person. Because the degree of brain damage is so varied, recovery from these injuries may vary from patient to patient. Some patients recover quickly, while others may take months or years to return to their former state. Fortunately, brain injury treatment options exist that can help patients cope with these changes.
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Initially, rehabilitation for a TBI begins in the hospital, and may continue in a residential treatment center or outpatient services. This recovery will depend on the severity of the injury and the part of the brain affected. In addition, doctors and medical personnel at the Mayo Clinic are constantly testing new treatments and interventions to help patients deal with the effects of brain damage. Ultimately, the goal is to help patients return to normal, active lives. Here are some common symptoms associated with brain injury.
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Surgery may be necessary. Patients who experience moderate or severe traumatic brain injury may require surgery to stabilize their condition. Surgical procedures are performed to stabilize the skull, stop bleeding in the brain, and drain excess fluid. Additionally, physicians may need to remove large blood clots or repair fractured skulls. Patients may need to undergo rehabilitation after surgery to improve daily activities. This treatment is not a permanent solution, but it can help people return to their normal lives.
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Traumatic injury is another common type of brain injury. Traumatic injuries to the head can result in brain bruising or damage to internal tissues. These injuries are often classified as either blunt or traumatic. The impact from a direct blow to the head can tear blood vessels and tissues in the brain, causing internal bleeding and swelling. This type of brain injury can be very disabling and potentially deadly. It can even lead to a permanent disability, which is why emergency care for brain injuries is critical.
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TBI is the most common type of brain injury in the United States, with about 1.7 million people suffering from traumatic brain injuries annually. The vast majority of these injuries are minor concussions and other mild forms of traumatic brain injury. The brain damage associated with TBI can also result in permanent disability, but rehabilitation is possible through the proper treatment. This information can help people better understand their brain injuries and the rehabilitation process after sustaining one.
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When the brain is injured, a neurological exam may be conducted to determine the extent of brain damage. The examination may reveal fractures or blood clots in the brain. In many cases, traumatic brain injury is prevented by wearing a seatbelt in the car or a helmet in sports. If a person has sustained brain damage, the doctor may also recommend a surgical procedure. The surgical procedure is usually followed by several stages of rehabilitation.
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Mild traumatic brain injuries can be caused by other injuries, such as an infection or a car accident. In some cases, a person suffering from mild TBI may experience symptoms without loss of consciousness. In such cases, it is best to seek immediate medical attention for further diagnosis. Further, brain injury can lead to other serious complications, including cognitive impairment, depression, and dementia. Even mild brain injury can result in more severe neurological complications. To find out if you're suffering from traumatic brain injury, visit Mayo Clinic's website.
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Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a type of acquired injury that occurs to the head, usually from a collision. This type of injury can result in swelling, bruising, and twisting of the head tissues. In severe cases, the victim may be unconscious for days or even weeks, or may be in a coma. These symptoms may occur after a car accident or a violent assault. When traumatic brain injuries occur, the affected person can lose consciousness and experience cognitive impairment.
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Researchers say that the risk of dementia after a head injury increases as people age. Even one mild traumatic brain injury increases the risk of dementia. But more research is needed to determine if a connection exists. This association is not conclusive and does not apply to all cases. In any case, symptoms of brain damage vary based on the severity of the injury and the severity of the symptoms. Therefore, it is important to consult a physician to determine the precise risk and symptoms of traumatic brain injury.