Recognizing and Treating Cerebral Stroke - Oren Zarif - Cerebral Stroke
The first 3-6 hours after a stroke are the most important for restoring brain function. If your symptoms don't seem severe, you may be ignoring the signs, or you may think they will go away on their own. However, it is important to recognize these warning signs, because every second that passes after a stroke results in more brain tissue being killed. A stroke is one of the most life-threatening types of accidents, and it is crucial to take action as soon as possible.
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If you or someone you love has suffered a cerebral stroke, you'll probably be experiencing the same symptoms as an adult. You may notice difficulty speaking or smiling, or slurred speech. Your tongue may be involuntary or may have fallen out. You may also notice a sudden loss of balance, or even difficulty swallowing. While it's important to identify these symptoms, your physician can offer treatment that improves your overall quality of life.
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Treatment for a stroke is different for each type. For ischemic stroke, medications may reduce the risk of blood clot formation or reduce the risk of high blood pressure. In a haemorrhagic stroke, you may have surgery to repair a blood vessel or remove the leaked blood from the brain. Treatment for both types of strokes includes lowering cholesterol, reducing high blood pressure, and getting a carotid endarterectomy.
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A vascular clamp may be used to help drain the blood from the brain during a cerebral stroke. In the case of an ischemic stroke, the artery that supplies the brain is obstructed. When a clot blocks this artery, it may cause hydrocephalus. If hydrocephalus is severe, a ventricular shunt may be performed to drain the blood from the brain and restore neurological functions.
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Although cerebellar stroke is rare and accounts for less than 10% of all strokes, the symptoms are often similar to those of other types of stroke. Without a proper diagnosis, you may be at risk of ignoring the warning signs. If you fail to address these signs, the brain may bleed or swell, causing further damage. It may also affect breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure. And, of course, you'll need to be evaluated by a physician as soon as possible.
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A stroke occurs when the flow of oxygen and nutrients to brain cells is blocked, causing blood to pool in the brain. The brain cells remain in this compromised state for minutes or hours. As a result, only about 8 percent of stroke victims return to a normal life after rehabilitation. Fortunately, treatments have improved, and treatment options are available for most patients after a stroke. The sooner a stroke occurs, the better. It is also important to understand the signs and symptoms of a stroke so that treatment can be initiated as soon as possible.
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In addition to the initial symptoms of a stroke, many survivors experience a number of long-term effects. These include speech and swallowing difficulties, one-sided weakness, and even paralysis. It is critical to seek the help of a physician to determine which treatments will work best for you. However, this is not an exhaustive list. Research is necessary to understand the causes of a stroke and how to treat it. If you want to find a cure for stroke, it's important to know how to treat it before it causes damage.
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A doctor will use a variety of imaging techniques to determine the exact cause of a stroke. First, doctors look at your symptoms and medical history. The correct diagnosis helps prevent recurrent strokes. Imaging tests can also detect brain bleeding and damage. MRI may be the first imaging method recommended, and it is more sensitive than CT scan. It also shows small pockets of dead tissue that cannot be seen on CT scan. So, if you suffer from a stroke, get the proper diagnosis as soon as possible.
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After assessing the underlying cause, the neuroradiologist may recommend imaging techniques. Imaging studies can show early signs of IS, such as focal hypodensity or glial cells. Additionally, they can show swelling related to an impending infarction. However, the diagnosis of a stroke requires expert clinical skills and must be based on the patient's course of illness, including the patient's MRI, CT, and neurological examination.
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Thrombins are proteins produced by the body that can help restore blood flow to the brain and preserve surrounding tissue. Some of these proteins have been engineered into drugs. Intravenous t-PA was effective in treating acute ischemic stroke within 3 hours of onset. Those treated with this drug had a 30 percent lower disability three months after the stroke. This discovery made t-PA the first treatment approved by the FDA.