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Recognizing and Responding to Signs of Brain Injury - Oren Zarif - Brain Injury

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

It's important to seek medical attention if you've sustained any type of head injury, even if it's mild. Even minor injuries can have severe consequences, so it's vital to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Read on to learn more about recognizing and responding to signs of brain injury, as well as the steps to follow if you've suffered one. The Mayo Clinic has free health information that can help you make a decision about your treatment.

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If you've suffered a mild or moderate TBI, the primary treatment will likely be over-the-counter pain relievers. You'll need to gradually return to your normal activities, but contact a health care provider as soon as possible if your symptoms don't improve. For moderate-to-severe TBI, a health care provider will stabilize you and manage your blood pressure, monitor blood flow, and check the oxygen level in your brain.

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Traumatic events such as falls, vehicle collisions, and violent acts can also cause brain trauma. The brain is made up of three layers of membrane, covering it with a sphere of soft tissue. Because the brain is so soft, it's susceptible to being smashed, stretched, and compressed. When these events occur, pressure in the skull can lead to further injury. MRI scans are the most important method for determining the extent of a brain injury, and they can be performed quickly and accurately.

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For people suffering from traumatic brain injuries, it's essential to wear helmets and follow other safety precautions. Wearing a helmet is particularly important when riding a motor vehicle or participating in sports. Strength training and yoga can help rebuild muscle and balance, while walking assist devices can help a person balance. When considering the options, it's important to remember that a brain injury rehabilitation plan should focus on improving a person's quality of life, not on minimizing their medical needs.

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Symptoms of traumatic brain injury can manifest several days to weeks after the initial event. These symptoms may include short-term memory loss, changes in mood, and difficulty concentrating or controlling impulses. While mild brain injuries usually resolve without treatment, some may require surgery to fix skull fractures, remove bleeding vessels, or relieve high intracranial pressure. If you have any of these symptoms, it is best to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

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In addition to the damage done to the brain during a traumatic brain injury, non-traumatic brain injuries can also occur. This type of brain injury can occur as a result of illnesses, metabolic disorders, exposure to toxins, and pressure from a tumor. The list above is not exhaustive, so please refer to the "Continue Reading" section to learn about the severity of the injury and what you can expect after a brain injury.

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The symptoms of a severe head injury include dizziness, headaches, and fatigue. Other symptoms of traumatic brain injury include difficulty with concentration, memory, organization, planning, word-finding, and emotional stability. Severe head injuries usually require hospitalization and rehabilitation. If you or a loved one has sustained a head injury, seek medical care as soon as possible. The sooner you start treatment, the more effective your recovery will be.

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Secondary brain injuries often occur after a traumatic event, affecting the function of the brain's nerve cells. This type of injury occurs when oxygen is not able to reach the brain's tissues due to continued low blood pressure or increased intracranial pressure. Additionally, the symptoms can be permanent or temporary. The extent of brain tissue damage determines the "severity" of the injury. A patient's level of consciousness, or coma, can be used to gauge the degree of damage. A brain scan can measure the depth of the coma and can even show the depth of amnesia.

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Traumatic brain injury can occur from a fall or a blow to the head. It can result in amnesia and prolonged unconsciousness. It can also lead to problems with independent function. Several causes of TBI include car accidents, assaults with or without weapons, and falls. Statistics show that 1.5 million adults and children suffer a brain injury each year in the United States. A traumatic brain injury can be fatal, or cause significant physical and emotional trauma. A closed head injury can be classified as mild, moderate, or severe.

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Cognitive-communication treatment is an essential component of rehabilitation after brain injury. Cognitive-communication therapy focuses on improving functional conversational skills and pragmatic language norms, helping individuals cope with the social situations that they experience. Counseling also helps individuals identify their sense of self and identify positive ways to interact with others. The ASHA's Practice Portal has more information on these topics, including the effects of social communication disorder on recovery. So, it's important to seek professional help after a traumatic brain injury.

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